10 Quick Tips for Black Friday Shopping at the Eleventh Hour – MaybeMoney

10 Quick Tips for Black Friday Shopping at the Eleventh Hour

10 Quick Tips for Black Friday Shopping at the Eleventh Hour

English: DC USA, Target, Black Friday (Image Courtesy: Wikipedia)
The eagerly anticipated Black Friday is almost upon us, with several major retailers planning to kick off the shopping frenzy on Thanksgiving Day itself. Regardless if you’re a seasoned Black Friday shopper or it’s your first journey into the madness, glance through these 10 essential last-minute tips to get you ready for the busiest shopping spree of the year.

1. Peruse flyers and plan your path. Keep an eye on your emails, physical mail, and web-based updates for the latest store flyers and exclusive Black Friday offers. Draft your shopping route to prioritize your favorite deals, and don’t forget that your local mall can offer you various discounts within a stone’s throw.
2. Maintain a shopping list and follow it. The chaotic allure of Black Friday might pull you away from your holiday gift list, and that’s what retailers bank on. During last year’s Black Friday, sales soared to a whopping $52.4 billion, an increase of 16% from the previous year. To remain within your budget, adhere to your list and keep impulse buying in check.
3. Make sure your smartphone is powered up. Being stuck in line without a suitable distraction can be dreary. So, ensure your smartphone has sufficient battery and is equipped with useful apps. Install the Coupon Sherpa mobile app for extra bargains, RedLaser for quick price checks, and Decide to help you make timely purchases.
4. Stock up on gas. Fill your tank ahead of time so you don’t waste precious shopping time at the gas station, perhaps missing the last doorbuster. Sharing rides with others also helps save fuel and facilitates coordination of your group’s shopping expeditions.
5. Have your wallet at the ready. Keep your chosen payment option, be it cash or credit cards, easily accessible. Allocate a specific spot in your wallet or purse for receipts, in case you need them for returns, price adjustments, or for your records. Alternatively, use the OneReceipt app to keep a digital track of all your transactions.
6. Take advantage of reward cards. If you own a credit card that offers reward points, use it for your holiday purchases. Collect points and redeem them for gift cards- an inventive method to save money while shopping.
7. Shop with a friend and dress in layers. Having a friend along for the trip means you can divide your list and cover more territory faster. Dress warmly for outdoor lines but choose removable layers for comfort inside stores.
8. Remember to hydrate and pack snacks. Experience tells every Black Friday shopper that there’s inevitable waiting involved. Pack some snacks and water to prevent wasted trips to food stalls and fast-food chains.
9. Steer clear of the madding crowd. If bargain hunting is your thing but long lines not so much, opt for online shopping from your cozy home. Many retailers showcase identical Black Friday discounts on their websites, and some like Sears and Sam’s Club even provide pre-Nov. 23 shop-at-home doorbusters.
10. Take it easy. Black Friday shopping isn’t always the best strategy for your holiday purchases. You actually can delay your shopping until Monday, Dec. 17, when a myriad of retailers offer Free Shipping Day with generous discounts combined with free shipping and guaranteed pre-Christmas delivery.