10 Strategies to Counter Rising Food Costs – MaybeMoney

10 Strategies to Counter Rising Food Costs

10 Strategies to Counter Rising Food Costs

Every day, watching the grocery store’s cash register rack up an ever-growing total becomes more distressing. And it’s about to get even tougher, especially for lower-income buyers who can’t readily access discount supermarkets.

The United Nations reports that global food prices reached an all-time high in February due to increasing gas prices and hoarding by importers. This is especially impacting the highly unstable cereal markets. Wheat, corn, sugar, and edible oils have witnessed the steepest price surge over the past six months, with a marginally smaller rise in rice. Prices for produce have already surged, anticipated to climb about a quarter to a third in the next year.

These price hikes contribute to extreme poverty, which has partly fueled public uprisings that recently overthrew leaders in Tunisia, Egypt, and ignited further disturbances across North Africa and the Middle East.

So, how can an American consumer respond? Here are ten strategies to tackle rising food costs:

1. Consider Warehouse Stores
Membership stores don’t always offer better prices, particularly if you tend to overspend, but some deals are worth the trip. Hunt for bargain prices on perishable items towards the day’s end when managers are keen to get rid of surplus stock.

2. Take Advantage of Coupons
It’s time to embrace extreme couponing, especially with the multitude of available options. Online coupons, whether internet-code or printable, and mobile coupons are readily available. CellFire is one reliable source for grocery discounts. Don’t forget to check the coupons that are printed along with your till receipt for more savings.

3. Shop at Dollar Stores
Dollar stores such as Dollar General offer substantial savings on a variety of products. However, ensure to check the product’s expiry dates.

4. Leverage Grocery Store Rewards Cards
While these cards are a necessity for store sales, they also allow you to download coupons directly to your card for immediate discounts at checkout. Some card programs even offer gas savings when you purchase groceries.

5. Opt for Generic Products
Often, store-brand generics are quite cheaper than branded products without compromising quality.

6. Use Discounted Gift Cards
Websites like GiftCardGranny offer discounted gift cards for major chains that sell food and produce, offering immediate grocery savings.

7. Stick to a Shopping List
To avoid impulsive purchases and duplicate items, prepare a shopping list ahead of time and strictly adhere to it.

8. Plan Meals in Advance
Having a weekly meal plan simplifies list-making and reduces the number of costly, impromptu supermarket runs. Consider last-minute gourmet meals using discounted meats, produce, and other items from your grocery store.

9. Shop at a One-Stop Store
Stores like Target save you time, money, and gasoline by allowing you to buy everything on your list in one go.

10. Avoid Out-of-Season Produce
Each fruit and vegetable has a season when it’s cheaper. Plan your meals around seasonal produce to make significant savings.

– About the Author:
Consumer savings expert Andrea Woroch is available for interviews to share suggestions on battling soaring food costs. Featured in both broadcast and print media, Andrea has appeared on platforms including ABC News NOW, NBC’s Today Show, FOX & Friends, MSNBC and has been quoted by publications like SmartMoney, Kiplinger Personal Finance, and many more. Andrea Woroch is a recognized expert in consumer savings who is passionate about helping people achieve financial freedom. She understands how quickly everyday expenses can accumulate and make life costly. Her aim is to help consumers learn how to live more frugally without radically altering their lifestyles with intelligent spending tips, personal finance, and savings advice. She helps transform regular consumers into savvy shoppers.