3 Do-It-Yourself Methods to Economize on Teeth Whitening – MaybeMoney

3 Do-It-Yourself Methods to Economize on Teeth Whitening

3 Do-It-Yourself Methods to Economize on Teeth Whitening

Nothing beats the allure of a dazzling smile. Many individuals invest in teeth alignment and whitening to achieve the radiant smiles flaunted by their beloved Hollywood stars. If your goal is to brighten your smile, we would highly recommend Dr. Swauger. Often, teeth whitening isn’t a matter of medical urgency like tooth extractions or emergency dentistry, still, many regard it as critical due to its impact on their professional image. However, not everyone can afford the hefty price tag tied to in-office teeth whitening sessions that can range from $500 to more than $1,000. Dentists often offer home bleaching kits costing around $300 – $600. As such, Asecra.com is gaining popularity these days as it allows you to choose a dentist at a comfortable price. Click here to learn more about affordable cosmetic dentistry and implant specialists.

If you urgently need teeth whitening but don’t want to shell out exorbitant amounts, there are tried and tested DIY solutions available that can help remove teeth stains and make your smile brighter.

Chewing Gum Miracles

If you’re a die-hard coffee aficionado like myself, or if you have a penchant for red wine, tea or cigarettes, chances are your teeth bear stains. They may have even attained a yellowish hue over time. Despite professional whitening, stains and discoloration are only a sip or a puff away and could make a return within three months – as cautioned even by renowned dentist Dr.Chandler. Acidic foods like oranges and berries additionally contribute to staining as they erode enamel, leaving teeth more prone to discoloration.

While preventing stains through dietary control is key, we can’t entirely abstain from our indulgences or carry a toothbrush everywhere. Hence, the trick is to chew Xylitol gum or teeth whitening gum, like Orbits White. This gum contains baking soda and Titanium Dioxide, known for their abrasive properties, and chewing aids stain removal. So, carry a pack with you always and chew some after meals or coffee, not only will it freshen your breath but also prevent stain and plaque build-up.

DIY Teeth Whitening

A handy DIY solution is to mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and brush your teeth with this potion. It’s a cost-effective, proven method that dates back to ancient times. Create a paste by adding baking soda to a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide, similar to your usual toothpaste consistency. Gently brush for 2 minutes. Rinse with diluted hydrogen peroxide for maximum results or just use tap water. Alternatively, consider a home kit from your local drug store. It’s much cheaper than professional dental services and yet equally effective.

Remember to exercise restraint as these abrasive substances can take a toll on your tooth enamel with regular use. Use this mix for three to six consecutive days, then wait another three to six months before using it again.

Fruit Fascination

Certain fruits, not only taste heavenly, but also whiten teeth. Strawberries and bananas show excellent teeth whitening properties. Strawberries contain malic acid that dissolves stains from coffee, wine and tea. Mash 1-2 strawberries and add a pinch of baking soda to form a paste. Brush gently using a slim-bristled toothbrush for about five to seven minutes. Rinse and floss as usual, ensuring to remove any embedded strawberry seeds.

Bananas, rich in potassium, magnesium and manganese, are absorbed into your teeth’s enamel and aid teeth whitening. Post brushing, rub the inside of a fresh banana peel over your teeth for two minutes. Rinse and repeat before bed. Banana peels are safe for daily use but require patience as results may take time.

Final Take

Got the finance to flaunt an enviable smile? By all means, opt for a dental procedure by a professional for a radiant and confident smile. If you’re cost-conscious or have other commitments, give our listed solutions a go. Don’t forget to savor the leftover bananas and strawberries!
In association with http://www.riverpointfamilydental.com/