3 Situations Where Prioritizing Time Over Money is Beneficial – MaybeMoney

3 Situations Where Prioritizing Time Over Money is Beneficial

3 Situations Where Prioritizing Time Over Money is Beneficial

As we age, our priorities tend to shift. We may find ourselves growing more responsible, advancing in our careers, gaining mastery over our finances, clearing debts, and settling down. My financial situation, for instance, dramatically differs now as a thirty-something professional, compared to what it was when I was a twenty-something student encumbered by loans. My priorities have shifted along too.

During my twenties, I had the luxury of dedicating countless hours to frugality, budget management, money-saving strategies, and laboring extra hours to augment my income and clear my debt. As a mother now, the time I have available for budget-tightening practices has substantially reduced. Now, I find myself in a situation where I can reprioritize my resources in favor of something I value even more than money – time.

Increasingly, I find myself willing to pay a little more to save significant amounts of time. Here are five areas where I believe trading money for saved time has considerable benefits:

For a while, the fluctuating prices of gas had a significant impact on my budget. I would invest a significant amount of time ensuring that I refueled at the cheapest station available. Today, however, chasing the cheapest gas prices has lost its appeal. I appreciate the convenience of refueling whenever and wherever it fits best into my schedule, even if it means a slight increase in expense.

My shopping practices have also evolved to favor time over thriftiness. I now conduct the bulk of my shopping online, valuing the convenience it offers. Could there be better deals available at physical store locations? Possibly. Yet, the benefits of shopping from the comfort of my home and saving time far outweigh the potential savings.

At one point, I would devote hours to clipping coupons to decrease my grocery bills. Now, I simply don’t have the time. Instead, I manage my grocery expenses by selecting in-season and sale items. While it may not account to a considerable savings in money, it certainly saves me a fair amount of time.

Ultimately, we all have to make decisions about what we value most. As we navigate through life, these values can change, and reprioritizing becomes essential. For me, the journey has been all about transitioning from a money-saving perspective to a time-saving one. Has your journey taken a similar trajectory?