3 Strategies in Which Surface-level Perspectives Can Boost Your Profession – MaybeMoney

3 Strategies in Which Surface-level Perspectives Can Boost Your Profession

3 Strategies in Which Surface-level Perspectives Can Boost Your Profession

I take great pride in having recently received a significant salary increase at work, a testament to my dedicated efforts, inherent skill, effective execution ability, and impressive negotiation skills. While these qualities should ideally be the determinants for all pay raises, that isn’t always the case. At times, even extraordinary employees may be overlooked for promotions or receive less substantial raises for superficial reasons. Here are three instances of how superficial aspects could influence your career progression.

Multiple research studies have demonstrated that overweight individuals often earn less than their slimmer colleagues, and this discrepancy is particularly pronounced for women. Research carried out by George Washington University revealed that overweight women were paid an average of $8,000 less per year, and overweight men were paid nearly $5,000 less. Additional studies have proven that overweight individuals frequently miss out on job opportunities.

Discrimination against overweight employees and job applicants often stems from stereotypes branding them as lazy or messy. Instead of debating the morality of this, use it as motivation if you’ve been considering losing weight. Meanwhile, choose clothing that fits well and gives a slimming silhouette. Even if you’re content with your curves, stay mindful of these stereotypes, and strive to exhibit your energy and attention to detail.

Several studies suggest that more attractive job candidates have an easier recruitment process and enjoy higher salaries than those perceived as less attractive, by about 3-4%, which can considerably accumulate over a lifetime! If you’re not naturally blessed with good looks, don’t despair. Ensure you maintain a current, flattering hairstyle that’s easy to manage. Invest in a modern, chic wardrobe—consider consulting a professional shopper if you’re unsure about fashion. Women without in-depth knowledge about makeup can participate in complimentary makeup lessons at many beauty stores. For those who wear glasses, consider switching to contact lenses or opt for LASIK surgery. If that’s not an option, invest in eyewear that enhances your features.

If your aspiration is to secure a Vice-President position in your firm, observe the dressing style of the existing Vice-Presidents and adopt similar fashion choices. Essentially, your superiors might disregard you for promotions if they doubt your ability to represent the company adequately. Both underdressing and overdressing can work against you. If executives like the President routinely wear shorts to the office, and you don an extravagant suit, it could be seen as an inability to suitably gauge the situation. You may not have the resources to overhaul your wardrobe completely, but you can prioritize well-fitted, clean, and ironed clothes.

You might not need to spend a fortune to adopt these habits. Consider any expenses as an investment for your career. If receiving a promotion or raise is the outcome, your expenditures will likely be quickly covered. Ultimately, taking care to present your best self can boost your overall confidence—with this added self-assurance being the final ingredient for your success. So, what do you have to lose?