3 Techniques to Enhance Health and Save Money by Drinking Tea – MaybeMoney

3 Techniques to Enhance Health and Save Money by Drinking Tea

3 Techniques to Enhance Health and Save Money by Drinking Tea

I wasn’t always keen on tea. My morning routine mainly consisted of coffee that I cherished so greatly. However, I had a taste for sun tea while growing up and fell in love with its flavor. As I grew older, I found myself slowly developing a liking for hot tea. Once I gave it a chance, I began to see many benefits in incorporating tea into my everyday routine. That said, I’m eager to share with you some significant ways in which tea consumption can enhance your health and save you money. Here’s an additional highlight!

Let’s be truthful, the cost of your morning coffee can add up significantly, especially if you frequently purchase it on your way to work. And even if you brew your own coffee at home, tea is a less expensive alternative. The price can vary depending on the type of coffee beans you opt for.

Usually, we spend around $7.99 on a bag of good quality coffee beans. At times, I strike a good deal by using shopping apps like Ibotta and Rakuten (formerly eBates) to save money. Before making a purchase, I compare prices on my Ibotta app to see if there’s a more affordable deal available on the brands I prefer.

Conversely, let’s consider a scenario where I don’t have any coupons or savings apps. Generally, a bag makes approximately 20 servings of coffee equal to about $.60 per serving excluding tax.

Most tea bags, on the other hand, range between $.20 -$.60 per bag, depending on the type and quality of tea. Recently, we’ve been buying a box with 20 bags for about $3.99, which comes down to merely $.30 per serving. It’s half the price of our coffee!

Here’s where tea gets more exciting. Not only is it cheaper than coffee, but it also offers a significantly high level of diversity. This attribute is attributed to the fundamental nature of tea as opposed to coffee. Almost anything can be converted into a tea, which results in a variety of flavor profiles.

Tea offers a selection of different flavors for various seasons. Some of the most common ones include:
Orange, Pomegranate, Ginger, Peach, Turmeric, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Mint, Cinnamon, and Blood Orange

This list goes on as leaves, seeds, and fruits can be converted into tea. I’m personally fond of cinnamon warming tea with turmeric in colder months. However, in warmer months, I lean more towards pomegranate or blood orange teas. The beauty of tea is you can easily change your preference at any time, preventing you from likely getting bored.

Furthermore, you have the option to switch between hot and cold tea. I prefer hot tea during colder months and turn to sun tea once the weather starts to warm up. This offers you an additional creative dimension when comparing tea to coffee.

Tea’s benefits extend beyond being cost-effective and more diverse than coffee. It also provides noteworthy health-boosting effects. Each type of tea has its unique health advantages, making it advantageous to include a diverse range in your daily intake.

Here are the common types of tea and their associated benefits:
Green Tea: protects against cancer, improves skin elasticity and brain function, contains antioxidants, aids stress reduction, and weight loss.
Black Tea: rich in antioxidants, reduces cholesterol, improves heart and gut health, and offers cancer protection.
Oolong Tea: known for boosting metabolism, improves sleep and brain function, increases vascularity, and maintains gut health.
White Tea: helps fight osteoporosis, enhances skin elasticity and dental health, helps in weight loss, rich in antioxidants, and protects against heart disease.
Chamomile Tea: aids sleep, helps treat cold symptoms and skin conditions, reduces menstruation cramps, inflammation, and offers cancer protection.
Herbal Tea: rich in antioxidants, aids sleep, reduces anxiety and inflammation, fights cold symptoms.

Incorporating health-boosting tea into your daily routine can help minimize the need for medical interventions. Thus, you can potentially save significantly on potentially costly medical costs. To see how much you could be saving through illness prevention, consider these average annual medical costs tea can help you avoid:
Heart disease: $18,953 per patient
Cancer: Up to $150,000 (depending on cancer type and stage)
Diabetes: $16,752 per patient
Personally, I’m more than willing to indulge in a cup or two of tea daily if it means staying healthier and saving on doctor’s visits!

Here’s a great incentive to drink tea to both save money and boost your overall health!
As we all look for ways to cut costs and improve our health, it’s quite evident that drinking tea can significantly help in both aspects. The top three reasons supporting this are:
Tea is generally cheaper than coffee
Tea offers incredible diversity when compared to coffee
Tea provides numerous health-boosting effects, preventing medical interventions, ultimately saving substantial money in the long run.
In essence, drinking tea can both save you money and improve your health if you are open to incorporating it into your everyday routine. The big question now is, which teas are you going to try?

Have you recently introduced tea into your lifestyle to enhance your health and reduce costs? If so, what are some of your favorites so far?