4 Strategies to Evade Resorting to a Payday Loan – MaybeMoney

4 Strategies to Evade Resorting to a Payday Loan

4 Strategies to Evade Resorting to a Payday Loan

Unexpected costs can suddenly materialize and become increasingly challenging to manage, particularly if you’re living on a limited budget. These sudden expenses can make life even more difficult when they surpass your current income, requiring you to handle essentials like rent or mortgage, food, medical care, vehicle repairs, etc.

In such instances, it might be tempting to resort to a payday loan for a quick financial solution. However, resorting to payday loans is likely to turn out detrimental for you. Contrary to common belief, payday loans are not primarily intended to offer rapid assistance with money, despite their popular portrayal. Rather, they entangle you in short-term loans with incredibly high interest rates. Although they may provide temporary monetary relief, you end up paying far more in return.

The average APR for payday loans often extends to around 400%, making it unwise to choose them as a financial fallback. These loans can trap you in a dangerous cycle of repeatedly relying on them to rescue yourself from financial predicaments.

Here are four alternative strategies to avoid resorting to payday loans when faced with financial challenges:

1. ESTABLISH AN EMERGENCY FUND: An emergency fund can act as your primary safety net against unexpected expenses. Setting aside savings proactively for unforeseen situations can mitigate future stress. If you lack an emergency fund, start building one immediately, aiming to save one to three months’ worth of expenses. Prioritize your emergency fund, even if you’re in debt. Even a small saving of $25 per paycheck can rescue you when you’re in a pinch.

2. POSTPONE THE EXPENSE IF POSSIBLE: If it doesn’t pose a significant issue, consider delaying the purchase until you receive your next paycheck. This strategy doesn’t apply to all cases, but it may come in handy under certain circumstances. For instance, postponing due dates for some expenses or negotiating with creditors to allow late payments may provide temporary relief.

3. EARN EXTRA INCOME: To get away from the trap of payday loans, discovering ways to earn extra cash quickly can be a boon. Increasing your income is an effective strategy to avoid loans and build a solid financial foundation. Partaking in side gigs or selling items you no longer need can offer instant cash to meet your needs.

4. USE LOW-INTEREST CREDIT CARD: As a final option, a 0% or low-interest credit card may be a viable choice. This should be a last resort, reserved strictly for emergency expenses. When compared with high-interest payday loans, credit cards pose a more manageable alternative. Credit cards usually come with an APR ranging from 12% – 30%, which is much lower than the interest charged on payday loans.

Lowering your regular expenses or borrowing from close family members are a few other alternatives. However, the best strategy is to prepare your finances ahead of time: bolster your emergency fund and establish a reliable financial safety net. Make saving a habit to avoid having to resort to payday loans in the future.

Have you ever relied on a payday loan? How do you plan to avoid resorting to them in the future? Visit smartasset.com for more information.