5 Easy Methods to Build Your Capsule Wardrobe – MaybeMoney

5 Easy Methods to Build Your Capsule Wardrobe

5 Easy Methods to Build Your Capsule Wardrobe

If you’ve ever spent too much time gazing at your wardrobe, unable to find something suitable to wear, it might be time to explore the concept of a capsule wardrobe. This is particularly relevant when you think all you need is more clothes. But there is wisdom in the saying “less is more”. Sometimes, a pile of clothes doesn’t bring clarity but breeds more frustration. Having more choices can overwhelm at times, hence the allure of a streamlined capsule wardrobe.

This approach calls for a limited collection of clothing items that you rotate seasonally. Instead of being overwhelmed by a cluttered wardrobe, you curate a smaller, refined collection that suits the weather and your lifestyle. This methodology also underscores the idea of “quality over quantity”.

Follow these 5 steps and reinvent your wardrobe experience, putting an end to daunting “I have nothing to wear” episodes:

Begin your capsule wardrobe journey by taking stock of what you already own. Empty your wardrobe of every item, including shoes and accessories, and spread them out to get a comprehensive view of your collection. This not only helps you move ahead with the project but also allows you to assess each individual piece before deciding its future.

Next is sorting through your collection. Segregate your clothes into four piles: keep, maybe, donate, and discard. Trust your instinct as you sort each item; resist convincing yourself to keep every item. Once sorted, promptly do away with items designated to be discarded or donated. Reevaluate the remaining piles, considering whether you’ll use each item three months from now or buy it again. If the answer is no for either, consider it for donation or disposal. After this, separate seasonal items in the ‘keep’ and ‘maybe’ piles, which can be stored away for when they’re needed.

This can be challenging due to the variety of guidelines available stating different numbers for a capsule wardrobe, ranging from 20 to 50 items. When determining your “capsule count”, consider your everyday lifestyle and needs. As an approximate measure, you could aim for around 33 items. However, this number shouldn’t include specialized items like a formal dress, fitness gear, etc., which are sporadically worn.

Now that your capsule items are sorted, the next step is outfit planning. This is vital to ensure your new wardrobe is functioning coherently. Every item should pair with at least two others, enabling a mix and match of outfits. You can list your items and outfits on paper or, if ambitious enough, photograph them. Starting with shoes is advisable as they can greatly impact an outfit.

After finalizing your capsule, try wearing only these items for a while before shopping to fill any gaps. Instantly resorting to shopping might lead you back where you started. Instead, wear your new wardrobe for a few weeks or a month to truly understand your style and what’s missing. Remember to ensure every addition is loved and fits well, or it will only consume valuable space. Your capsule is always adaptable. If you feel the need to add more pieces, go ahead. Nothing in a capsule wardrobe is cast in stone.

The key objective of a capsule wardrobe is to simplify your life, ensuring you don’t waste hours deciding what to wear. There aren’t strict rules; it should be personalized to your style and routine. If you need separate wardrobes for work and casual wear, that’s fine. The goal is to make your life more manageable. You may still shop or keep special items because they’re loved. It’s your decision whether to embrace the capsule wardrobe or revert to your chaotic closet. Let us know if you have tried a capsule wardrobe and what tips you found helpful during the process.