5 Strategies to Cut Costs When Eating Out – MaybeMoney

5 Strategies to Cut Costs When Eating Out

5 Strategies to Cut Costs When Eating Out

My spouse and I have a shared fondness for eating out. Despite having once faced financial constraints, we successfully maintained a habit of dining out monthly. We view this activity as an integral social aspect of our lives and being enthusiastic food lovers, we delight in exploring local eateries. However, the bitter reality is that dining out frequently can be a drain on your budget. But being budget-conscious diners, we’ve uncovered means to still relish our beloved pastime without feeling like we’re splurging excessively.

Below are 5 tips for those who find dining out equally indispensable:

We usually manage to avail some discounts through online research beforehand. Our strategies include preserving coupons received via mail, visiting a restaurant’s website, browsing through Yelp, Groupon, and Living Social, or even inquiring about ongoing special offers. We’ve even earned a 10% discount at a restaurant just by sharing a snapshot of our meal on social media! Subscribing to restaurant newsletters can also prove fruitful as they often distribute exclusive coupons.

Using reservation platforms like OpenTable, that award points for every reservation, is one of our preferred practices. Amassing a specific number of points, you receive a dining check valid at any partner restaurant, thereby subtly saving on your dining expenses.

Numerous restaurants proffer happy hours, while some cities now have ‘Restaurant Week’ featuring three-course meals at bargain prices. These promotions offer an economically convenient way to sample a new restaurant’s fare without having to bear the full expenditure.

Drawing on personal experience, I’ve realized that I enjoy sipping wine prior to eating dinner. Hence, whenever we dine out with friends, we usually round them up at our place for a pre-dinner drink, saving significantly on the restaurant’s pricier alcohol and replacing it with complimentary water.

With escalating restaurant serving sizes, consider the option of dividing a dish with your companion, or alternatively, eat half and carry the remaining portion home for the next day’s lunch. This practice allows a single restaurant meal to serve two meals, thereby easing the pressure on your budget.

Following a budget doesn’t imply renouncing all social pursuits and resorting to a recluse lifestyle. My spouse and I continue to relish dining out and mingling with friends without the accompaniment of hefty invoices. By applying these five frugally-smart dining out tips, we’ve succeeded in fulfilling our desires within the restrictions of our budget-conscious lifestyle.

So, for all the food enthusiasts, reluctant to trim their dining budget, how have you managed to reduce dining expenses? Share your tips!