5 Strategies to Emulate the Joneses’ Lifestyle Without Their Spending Habits – MaybeMoney

5 Strategies to Emulate the Joneses’ Lifestyle Without Their Spending Habits

5 Strategies to Emulate the Joneses' Lifestyle Without Their Spending Habits

Living on a budget can provide a fresh perspective on life, even though it may often leave you feeling left out. If it seems like your friends are constantly splurging on exotic holidays, high-end clothes, and new furniture while you are watching from the sidelines, remember that wise spending can let you enjoy the same luxuries. Here are some practical ways to enjoy a lavish lifestyle while economizing:

Budget-friendly Luxury Purchases
Investing $100 in a pair of jeans or $300 on a dress may seem outrageous. However, with intelligent planning, you could accommodate such designer purchases into your budget. Websites like Drop Down Deals can help you get your hands on opulent designer clothes at the best prices. Flash sale websites are an incredible tool for procuring designer merchandise at a fraction of their actual cost.

Discount Coupons
Coupons are a valuable stratagem to save substantially on daily shopping. Retail shops often offer additional discounts on your total bill. But the concern is, how to know when they are available? The answer: Drop Down Deals coupons will notify you when there’s an offer you can utilize. An alert can go a long way in saving your money. Never shop without an ongoing sale or available coupon.

Suppose you spot a flaw in an item while shopping ‒ you can demand an additional discount on it. Minor defects could grant you a discount of approximately 10 to 30 percent. Sometimes, these discounts may even run higher. Most retailers offer at least a 10 percent price reduction. If your dream shirt has a stain, point it out and request a lessened price.

Biannual Sales
No one will realize that your high-end items were bought on sale, unless you choose to tell them so. Every retailer hosts a semi-annual sale, and these are excellent opportunities to grab what’s available within your budget. Be aware that these sales often wrap up quickly.

Outlet Shopping
Outlet stores offer luxurious clothing and home goods at unbeatable prices. While they might be selling slightly last-season articles, the merchandise generally aligns with current trends. If a Coach bag seems unaffordable, head to a Coach outlet. The same applies to any brands that feature outlet stores across the country. With skillful shopping strategies, you can maintain a luxurious appearance without breaking the bank. It’s a win-win for all.

Image Source: http://blog.wellsfargo.com/retirement/2012/04/keeping_up_with_the_joneses.html