5 Strategies to Land a New Job in the Upcoming Year – MaybeMoney

5 Strategies to Land a New Job in the Upcoming Year

5 Strategies to Land a New Job in the Upcoming Year

If your agenda for 2016 includes securing a stronger financial foothold, then “earning more money” might be on your New Year’s Resolution. However, it’s not always easy to increase your income at your present job, especially if your company isn’t generous with pay raises, a common scenario in today’s economic landscape. So why wait? Let 2016 be the year you elevate your career and income. Here are five strategies to achieve this.

A common mistake among job applicants is using one resume and cover letter template across all job applications. Keep in mind that job requirements can vary significantly, so your application materials must be tailored to match the role’s specifics. If a position emphasizes Photoshop proficiency, ensure you highlight this in your application documents. Meanwhile, if another job prioritizes writing talent, showcase your writing strengths and accolades accordingly. Although this approach can be time-intensive, it surely helps you stand out from the competition and expedite your job hunt.

The prospect of mingling with strangers at events may not be appealing, but networking is a proven strategy in job hunting. Engage with local organizations, be they political, religious, or recreational. These platforms offer opportunities to broaden your connections, increasing the odds of encountering individuals who can facilitate your job search.

Consider signing up for job alerts that deliver a tailored list of job openings straight to your inbox. Websites like Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn are great starting points.

A mentor with more professional experience can prove invaluable in your job hunt. They can offer you insights, navigate you through your job hunt, and prep you for job interviews. If any of your previous bosses fit the role, approach them for assistance. If not, tap into your network to find potential mentors.

If you’re not making progress in your job search, scrutinize your resume to identify areas where you could enhance your skills to be more competitive. You might benefit from taking relevant classes or acquiring a new skill. If your field necessitates advanced degrees, evaluate the cost-benefit ratio before making the financial commitment to further your career.
