6 Actions We’re Taking to Prepare Our House for Airbnb – MaybeMoney

6 Actions We’re Taking to Prepare Our House for Airbnb

6 Actions We're Taking to Prepare Our House for Airbnb

We made the decision to jump in and join the increasing number of people who are Airbnb hosts, turning their homes or portions thereof into accommodation sources. We once assumed that without a separate guest house or the ability to rent out our entire home, Airbnb hosting was off the table. My perspective has since changed as I’ve come to appreciate the popularity of private guest rooms on the platform. Often, these spaces are economical choices especially for those who don’t plan to lounge indoors all day. Coupled with friendly hosts, this can create a relaxing experience for guests.

Hosting with Airbnb can be a substantial extra income source, with potential earnings ranging from $300 to $5,000 monthly, based on variables such as location and the size of the rental space. To ease our housing costs, we’ve ventured into renting out our spare room, allowing us to allocate funds towards other ventures and aims. This is a new challenge for us, and admittedly, can be overwhelming. To help those considering similar endeavors, here are some insights into our approach to aid in setting up your own checklist.

Comfortable bedding in the room is non-negotiable. Formerly being a guest, I recognize the importance of comfort and understand that subpar bedding can turn potential occupants away. Remember, reviews are critical; guests should be well-rested and comfortable. Recently, we invested in a premium quality mattress and bed frame from Amazon.

Ensuring privacy is also essential, hence our move to install a lock and key system on our guest room door. This simple adjustment promotes peace of mind for both the guest and us.

As we gather other room essentials, while not strictly required by Airbnb, we recognize that special touches such as a television, nightstand, and closet space could increase our appeal to potential guests. We’re considering acquiring a Roku and a small TV for the guest room from budget-conscious avenues like a local online marketplace. Additional room features and amenities, such as a microwave, hairdryer, towels, and a first aid kit, can be included as well.

Protecting our personal items and information is also crucial. Although we’re not totally evacuating our belongings from our dwelling, we’re being proactive in minimizing clutter and securing personal items. We manage personal and professional tasks from home, implying that critical documents need additional storage or secure measures. We’re also making arrangements to make the main bathroom guest-friendly, moving most of our items to a second bathroom out of sight.

Something I quite enjoy about staying in Airbnb accommodations is a thoughtfully put together welcome kit. It’s something we are keen to incorporate, with detailed rundowns on house rules, the WiFi password, and some local tips and tricks. It brings an added personal touch to each guest’s stay.

Additionally, we are organizing kitchen utensils and aim to give our guests kitchen access, priming us to approach our kitchen setup and clutter in a more organized way, a task that will prove beneficial to both us and our guests.

Although preparing your home for Airbnb listing may seem daunting, organization and clarity about what you are ready to offer goes a long way. As an Airbnb host, you’re in control of crafting your home’s ambiance and the laws that govern it. Start with this vision in mind and then draft a robust to-do list with a deadline to ensure timely execution and listing.

We are excited about our new venture with Airbnb, ready to meet fresh faces and earn extra money. How about you? Have you used Airbnb before? Would you consider becoming a host, and why or why not?