6 Easy Strategies to Earn an Extra $100 Over the Weekend – MaybeMoney

6 Easy Strategies to Earn an Extra $100 Over the Weekend

6 Easy Strategies to Earn an Extra $100 Over the Weekend

In life, there will inevitably be moments when you could use some quick cash, regardless of how well-structured or flawless your budget might be. Perhaps you’re eyeing tickets to a once-in-a-lifetime concert, planning a weekend trip with friends, or grappling with unexpected household repairs that your savings can’t cover.

No matter what your reasons are, raising money on short notice is easier than it seems. There’s no need to borrow or accrue debt, as you’ll just end up needing to repay it later. Rather, a bit of creative thinking can help you accumulate your needed funds. Here are six strategies to earn $100 this weekend.

1. Drive with Uber or Lyft
With the rising popularity of rideshares like Uber and Lyft, the traditional taxi concept has been largely replaced. This shift has happened seemingly overnight in some cities. Many people have turned to Uber and Lyft not only for transportation needs but also as a reliable side job or even a full-time career. Signing up as a driver is straightforward with some prerequisites for insurance and a background check. Plus, you have flexibility to create your own schedule.

2. Lend a Helping Hand
Consider offering services for everyday tasks like grocery shopping, moving assistance, furniture assembly, or being someone’s assistant for the day. Platforms like TaskRabbit allow you to connect with people needing such services. By joining these platforms, you can get notified about available tasks that suit you, each with a predetermined pay. Another option could be Fiverr, where you can offer a range of services for various prices.

3. Host a Garage Sale
With enough planning, hosting a garage sale can quickly earn you $100, while getting rid of clutter in your life. Rather than tossing out items you no longer need, why not sell them? Depending on the traffic and price of your items, you could earn even more than $100. Alternatively, selling items on platforms like eBay or Craigslist could be an option if hosting a garage sale is not feasible.

4. Babysit or Petsit
Babysitting or petsitting are straightforward ways to earn money. Approach family and friends to see if they or someone they know could use help in these areas. Checking out sites like care.com can also connect you with such opportunities.

5. Offer Your Skills
If you’re skilled in certain household tasks, consider offering your handyman services to friends and family. Tasks could range from hanging pictures, maintaining gardens, shoveling snow, to unclogging drains. Remember, don’t commit to tasks that you are not confident of completing, as this could result in further issues that need professional intervention.

6. Test Websites
If you have strong opinions about the usability of websites, why not make money from it? Companies like UserTesting allow you to test websites and provide feedback, enabling you to earn roughly $30 per hour.

Crucially, you don’t have to plunge into debt or eat into your savings when a need for extra cash arises. Odd jobs and one-off tasks might just be the solution to earn $100 quickly.

Have you attempted any of these jobs? If so, have any of them proven particularly profitable?