6 Expensive Habits While Shopping for Groceries – MaybeMoney

6 Expensive Habits While Shopping for Groceries

6 Expensive Habits While Shopping for Groceries

What is your monthly budget for groceries? Reports from Value Penguin suggest that the typical American household spends approximately $500 each month on food, however, this estimation seems a bit low. I’m aware of several families who allocate more than $700 a month towards groceries.

Our own expenditures are roughly about $350 a month, which includes very few meals eaten out. This implies that we make the majority of our meals at home, including meals for work and school.

The average price for a work lunch stands at about $7, coming to $140 a month and $1,680 a year for my husband.

School lunches for my son cost $3.40 per day, which totals around $68 per month or $816 a year. We’re making significant savings here, as well as at the supermarket, which significantly lowers our overall food spending.

Interested in reducing your grocery expenses while still preventing the need for restaurant meals and overpriced work lunches? There are several strategies to cut down your food bill, such as creating a shopping list, making less frequent visits to the store, using applications and coupons to seek out deals, and many more.

Yet, one of the most impactful ways to decrease your grocery expenses is by eliminating your damaging shopping habits. Here are six imperative grocery shopping habits to give up as soon as possible for more cost-effective shopping.


While brand loyalty might be appreciated in some scenarios, it can often be counterproductive. Brands frequently strive to outdo each other and exhibit the best product with superior quality. They expend effort in creating catchy taglines, appealing packaging design, and memorable commercials, instead of contending more with pricing. Depending on your shopping needs, the brand may not be important. In such cases, considering store brands could be beneficial in accruing savings. Minor savings on multiple items can add up to significant amounts.


Making purchases based on emotions can significantly affect your budget. We often buy food items on impulse, which we end up disliking and disposing of, wasting unnecessary money. Stick to buying necessities and include a small budget for ‘fun food’ if you find yourself making impulsive purchases.


You should always compare prices when shopping to avoid overspending. It’s usually simple to compare prices within a store as similar items are grouped together. Also, go through promotional circulars regularly to find the best deals per week.


Reading labels thoroughly is crucial. Purchasing wrong items due to unobservance can result in wasteful spending. Even if it requires a few extra seconds, ensure that you’re selecting the correct items.


It’s essential to review receipts after shopping to ensure correct billing. Everyone can make mistakes, including the cashier. Furthermore, if you’re seeking a discount or sale, double-check to confirm it was applied.


Although seemingly contradictory after advising against brand loyalty, store reward programs can be useful for regular purchases or steady customers. However, having these cards doesn’t oblige you to shop at these stores exclusively. Use the rewards cards when possible for additional savings.

Do you exhibit any of these grocery shopping habits? Make necessary changes to save money today! In many cases, loyalty reward cards are free and can be used without the typical pressures and temptations of store credit cards.
Have you ever fallen into the trap of any of these costly grocery shopping habits?