6 Savings Strategies That Backfired – MaybeMoney

6 Savings Strategies That Backfired

6 Savings Strategies That Backfired

From the grocery store to the gasoline pump or handling our monthly bills, the price of essentials can sometimes take us off guard. This is why thoughts of money-saving tactics frequently occupy our minds. We engage in activities like coupon clipping, store-hopping for the best bargains, purchasing non-brand products, and even inventing our unique methods to cut costs. Although striving to save wherever possible seems like an intelligent financial strategy, it carries a risk of being excessive. There are occasions when these creative economy measures can backfire and harm rather than help. The purpose of this discussion isn’t to discourage prudent shopping and cost-saving efforts, but to highlight situations where a little extra expenditure becomes necessary. Here are six money-saving shortcuts gone wrong that you should steer clear of:


In this era of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects flooding Pinterest, you could get the impression that with suitable directions and a tutorial video, you can manage just about anything. Unfortunately, it’s not always feasible, and there are instances where engaging a professional becomes unavoidable. Take, for instance, the trend where couples avoid hiring a photographer for their wedding, choosing instead to distribute disposable cameras for guests to snap photos. While this may sound like a fun and cost-effective idea initially, when the time comes to develop these pictures, there’s a good chance of regret over this DIY choice. You might end up with a mix of not-so-perfect photos, missing key moments of the day besides a handful of enjoyable and unique pictures. The money saved cannot compensate for the loss of precious keepsakes and memories from your exceptional day.


We’ve all considered or even experienced catching Z’s in an airport at some point due to flight delays, cancellations, or early morning flights. Despite the temptation to save on hotel costs, it’s fair to say; don’t go for it! Regardless of the disappointment from already pumping cash into flight tickets and destination accommodations, cutting corners on comfortable sleep isn’t a worthy cash-saving shortcut. Airport lounges aren’t the best choices for a good night’s rest. Usually, you’ll find yourself caught between chairs, awkwardly struggling to find a comfortable position – not to mention irritating onlookers. Spare yourself the pain and pay a bit extra for a reasonably-priced stay at a hotel instead. If you genuinely cannot afford it, it may mean you’re not financially ready to travel.


The thought of spending significant amounts on rolls of toilet paper can indeed be daunting, but it’s an essential item. You might think about stretching your supply by separating 2-ply paper – but don’t! It’s one area that’s not worth scrimping on hygiene or comfort. The savings aren’t that substantial in the long run. Use coupons, grab sales, check out different stores, or bulk-buy where storage space is available.


While bulk purchases can help with items like toilet paper, it isn’t the silver bullet for all money-saving needs. Buying enormous quantities of perishables might seem sensible initially, but ends up being counter-productive. Unless you have a large family, most of the bulk supplies will spoil before you can consume them, wasting both food and money. Similarly, paying membership fees for bulk-discount outlets like Sam’s or Costco may not provide sufficient returns if you have a small family or are single.


Tossing away a product bought with hard-earned cash is never a pleasure. As painful as it can be, expiry dates are not made up guidelines. Serving expired food and beverages can lead not only to poor taste but also to illness. This can result in outlaying more in medical expenses than what was initially saved. The same applies to other products with constrained usage cycles such as daily contact lenses.


It might seem tempting to gravitate towards cheaper alternatives when making significant purchases like tyres or kitchen appliances. This choice typically ends up costing more in terms of repairs or replacements than the initial cost of a high-quality product. Do not be lured by unbelievably low prices; instead, plan to invest more for lasting quality.

Understanding and practicing efficient savings habits is undeniably beneficial; however, not all shortcut strategies save as expected. Frequently, these savings tricks end up causing more harm than good. It’s important to identify where to save and where it’s essential to spend that little extra. Making smart choices will lead to long-term happiness and financial wellbeing. We’re curious to know, what cost-saving tactics work for you and which ones backfired?