6 Strategies to Accelerate Your Home Sale and Increase Earnings – MaybeMoney

6 Strategies to Accelerate Your Home Sale and Increase Earnings

6 Strategies to Accelerate Your Home Sale and Increase Earnings

Feeling nervous while making your first home offer isn’t surprising. After all, for many, it represents the most significant monetary investment in their life. A lot of time and consideration go into determining the affordability, value, and upkeep of a home. However, the selling part often results in the owners listing their property and hoping for an attractive offer. Alternatively, some homeowners spend on enhancing the curb appeal by landscaping or painting their house.

What many fail to realize is a balanced approach: cost-effective and straightforward strategies that can expedite the sale and possibly increase the price of the property. Here are some tips on how to effectively sell your house:

1. TIMELY LISTING: While summer is believed to be the ideal time to enlist properties when school is out and families are relocating, a 2011 research by Realtor.com revealed properties listed in November and December sold quicker and fetched better prices. The take-away: time your listing. However, if you need to sell urgently due to relocation or other factors, don’t delay the listing.

2. COMPETITIVE PRICING: The value of your property should be entrusted to a realtor who understands your neighborhood. Be aware that overpricing your house can cost you more in the end, especially if you are relocating and start shouldering two mortgages. Price it a bit lower, and it might sell sooner, saving you money.

3. CAPTURE QUALITY IMAGES: Real estate stands to gain a lot from high-quality HDR (high dynamic range) photography. Enlist a professional photographer for this task. Properties listed with professional images receive more clicks and often fetch higher prices. Add several pictures to your listing. The more the better – potential buyers get deterred by listed property with few images.

4. OPTIMIZE LISTING VISIBILITY: Post the property on your social media channels and ask friends to share. Also, ensure it’s listed on leading property sites. Check your MLS listings frequently to ensure they appear on Zillow or Trulia.

5. ENSURE AVAILABILITY: Be flexible about showing your house. With more people viewing it, your chances of selling increase. Always keep your home presentable since last-minute visits are common.

6. MAKE THE SPACE APPEALING: Declutter, remove personal items such as family photos, and ensure the house is clean. Potential buyers should visualize it as their home. Pet owners should minimize signs of pets, as some buyers may be allergic or afraid of animals.

Do consider skipping some common practices such as home staging, painting, and upgrades. Recent studies showed that home staging doesn’t quicken the sale or add to the price. Regarding painting, personal color preferences vary widely among potential buyers. As for home upgrades, they may not provide a full return on investment.

The above pointers can help accelerate the selling process and potentially reel in more money for your property.