6 Unexpected Gift Ideas for the Last Minute – MaybeMoney

6 Unexpected Gift Ideas for the Last Minute

6 Unexpected Gift Ideas for the Last Minute

Can you believe that Christmas Day is just around the corner? As one of the quickest years draws to a close, you may be scrambling for some last-minute gift ideas. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Take a look at these gift suggestions suitable for both men and women in your life. Have a joyful and safe holiday season!

1. Bottle of Liquor
A bottle of wine or bourbon can be a delightful and easy gift. It’s a great option for anyone’s gift collection. This was my choice for my brother and brothers-in-law, an option I’m confident they’ll appreciate. Keep an eye out for deals and coupons in newspapers – there’s a plethora during this season!

2. Magazine Subscription
Whether it’s home design, cooking, or another hobby, a magazine subscription is a thoughtful gift for anyone. Even though it might take 2-3 months to start, a subscription can be a year-long source of enjoyment. They’re generally quite affordable as well, further enhancing their appeal.

3. Gift Cards
While this might seem impersonal, a gift card can actually be a welcome surprise. Everyone enjoys the freedom of shopping for their own gifts. A mall-wide gift card can score you extra gratitude points. This is a particularly effective choice for teenagers, who tend to evolve their tastes rapidly.

4. Premium Coffee
For coffee enthusiasts or frugality-driven drinkers like myself, exotic or high-quality coffee can be delightful. Consider finding an unusual variety of tea for tea lovers, complete with a tea strainer and a gift bag. If they own a Keurig machine, you could explore a range of coffees or ciders!

5. Box of Chocolates
Almost everyone adores chocolates, making it an excellent holiday present. Decide between a box of assorted chocolates or a favorite candy type. It’s a wonderfully simple gift that comes with a reassurance of satisfaction.

6. Christmas Ornament
With Christmas fast approaching, ornaments are surprisingly on sale. Select an ornament that resonates with your family member. Each year they decorate the tree with it, you’ll be fondly remembered. In preparation for our future children, my husband and I purchased half-priced ornaments recently.

If you’ve got other stellar last-minute gift suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below!
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