6 Unexpected Ways Stress Drains Your Finances – MaybeMoney

6 Unexpected Ways Stress Drains Your Finances

6 Unexpected Ways Stress Drains Your Finances

In modern-day America, stress is increasingly prevalent and continues to intensify with each day. Simply put, we are living in a society marked by greater stress than ever before. Many adults tend to overlook stress or sideline it, largely due to societal perceptions that consider stress as just another normal aspect of life, something to endure and overcome.

While life certainly entails stress, it’s crucial to understand how to navigate it effectively. Stress brings along a suite of impacts on your life and health. One less-obvious yet significant effect stress has is on your finances. Integrating stress management into one’s routine isn’t a simple task and often, people’s coping mechanisms inadvertently end up costing them in the long haul. The ideal approach is to recognize how stress financially affects you and uncover strategies to mitigate its future impact. Below are six ways your stress can hit your pocketbook.

Increased stress can wreak havoc on your physical and psychological health. Stress often paves the way for other grave health conditions. The potential it holds to lead to anxiety and depression, stress your system making you prone to ailments and diseases, trigger weight gain, and disrupt your sleep can culminate in more serious health problems. Any damage stress inflicts on your body or mind invariably results in medical attention, potentially leading to more treatments or medications. Even the best health insurance only covers so much, leaving you to cover a substantial portion of the medical bills.

Stress can render even the most basic tasks challenging and overwhelming. After a hard day’s work or amidst life stress, cooking a meal might seem entirely unattractive. This situation may lead you to frequently dine out or pick up takeout. While this is okay occasionally, making it a habit can make it more costly compared to home-cooked meals.
Even if you hit the grocery store, selecting convenience foods can spiral your food costs in the end.

For many, the immediate gratification derived from shopping is irresistible, often making it a go-to stress-buster. However, unchecked retail therapy can become highly addictive and make you exceed your budget. Moreover, with the availability of online shopping, your shopping spree can stretch throughout the day, denting your savings or even falling into debt.

Stress can make concentrating challenging, causing fatigue, unclear thoughts, and wavering focus. Balancing work, home, and other tasks might turn into an uphill battle, resulting in compromised job performance or even job loss in certain circumstances. Decreasing productivity can also impact areas of your life. For instance, neglecting home maintenance and upkeep could culminate in additional repair and replacement costs.

Stressed individuals often resort to vices such as smoking, gambling, or occasional drinking. These habits are generally expensive. From buying cigarettes to coping with lost bets, these vices can quickly eat into your budget.

Finding cost-effective ways to relax and de-stress can be simply more said than done. Spas offer a solution to just that—the problem is, they can be pricy. A regular visit to the salon or spa might relieve stress but could also leave you strapped for cash.


While stress is an inevitable part of life, excess stress can have far-reaching effects. Beyond impacting your health, stress can drive you toward unhealthy coping mechanisms that could be detrimental to your finances. Consequently, finding inexpensive yet effective ways to manage stress is beneficial not only for your mental, physical, and emotional health but also your financial well-being.
What are some affordable and healthy strategies you’ve found to manage stress?