6 Unexplored Saving Tactics You Might Not Have Attempted Yet – MaybeMoney

6 Unexplored Saving Tactics You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

6 Unexplored Saving Tactics You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

Saving money can be a tough task, particularly when resources are thin, but it’s a rewarding endeavor in the long run. It’s fundamentally essential to establish a robust savings fund, which can serve as an economic cushion in the face of a potential downturn or unexpected emergencies. In this article, we’ll delve into several savings strategies to guide you towards achieving your financial objectives.

So, why bother with a savings strategy? It holds importance in various ways:

Financial Stability: A savings strategy contributes to creating a financial safety net. It shields you against unforeseen expenses such as emergency medical services, car maintenance, or sudden loss of employment.

Emergency Readiness: A savings fund offers a defense against unforeseen crises. When unexpected events occur, savings eliminate the need to depend on credit cards or loans.

Goal Fulfillment: Be it purchasing a house, inaugurating a business, or embarking on your dream vacation, a savings strategy assists in pursuing your financial goals. It equips you to transform your aspirations into reality.

Peacefulness: The knowledge that you have reserved savings brings down financial stress levels. It offers tranquility, freeing you to concentrate on other life aspects.

Independence and Versatility: Savings bring about financial autonomy. Reserved money endows you with the liberty to decide based on your preferences rather than immediate fiscal restrictions.


Setting up a robust savings foundation often involves small, cumulative changes. Here are six potential strategies to start saving right now.


Automating your savings plan lets you save a fraction of your monthly earnings, relieving you of remembering to do so. This method proves particularly beneficial for saving accounts earmarked for specific goals like setting up an emergency fund, planning a vacation, or accumulating a down payment.

Almost every bank provides automated transfer services between your checking and savings accounts. Choose the frequency, amount, and destination for transferring funds or even diversify your direct deposit, so a portion goes directly to your savings account. The perk: It’s effortless, and you’re less prone to spend the money unnecessarily.


One of the easiest expenditures to trim for saving more involves dining out, which typically costs more than home-cooked meals. If you’re keen on restaurant visits, try cutting down the frequency or allot a fixed budget for dining out each month.

Opting for starters or sharing the main course with your dining buddy, skipping beverages and dessert or enjoying these at home after dinner can help augment your budget.


The 30-day savings rule is an intuitive, straightforward strategy that can trim impulse purchasing and enhance savings. Allowing a cooling-off period before you make unnecessary purchases can be beneficial.

While shopping online, consider adding the item to your cart and leaving it for a while to allow more decision-making time. If waiting for 30 days seems inconvenient, experiment with shorter periods like 24- or 48-hour delays.


Various simple techniques exist for saving on utility expenses, but it’s crucial to be conscious about your home’s energy consumption. If you’re exploring ways to reduce utility costs, you can adopt simple practices that can lower your energy bills and make savings potentially amounting to hundreds annually.

Consider patching insulation leaks at home, using smart power strips, switching to energy-efficient appliances, and employing a smart thermostat. Even small changes in monthly electricity use can lead to considerable savings over time.


Determining how much money to allocate to savings versus debt reduction is a common fiscal challenge for most Americans. Debt repayments can weigh heavily on your overall budget. By expediting high-interest debt repayment through additional payments using techniques like the snowball or avalanche methods, you can save money spent on interest and liberate yourself from the debt burden faster.

Once you’ve cleared a debt, divert that money into savings. If you lack disposable income or extra payments, consider a side job to earn additional money towards debt repayment.


Challenge yourself to a no-spend month, wherein you only spend money on essential items. Abstain from unnecessary expenses and live frugally for a month.

Ensure you set clear guidelines (what to purchase and avoid) from day one. Better yet, recruit an accountability partner or a friend to join the challenge. It truly helps.


Establishing a strong savings fund is an integral part of maintaining financial well-being. It provides security, flexibility, a defense against unforeseen expenses, and the capacity to accomplish your financial targets. Try the suggested strategies and discover the blend that best suits your lifestyle and financial aspirations. Remember, saving is an incremental process, and minor alterations can yield substantial results over time. As you commence saving, you’ll gradually incorporate good money habits into your daily routine.