6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted – MaybeMoney

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted

It’s no secret that stashing away some cash can be challenging, especially when funds are tight. However, the payoff over time is undeniable. Keeping a cushion of savings is incredibly beneficial for weathering potential economic downturns or unexpected emergencies. In this article, we’ll explore several strategies to bolster your savings and achieve your financial objectives.

So, why is a savings strategy so critical? Let’s look at it from several angles:

Financial Protection: A saving strategy acts as a safety net, shielding you from unforeseen costs such as medical emergencies, vehicle repairs, or sudden unemployment.

Emergency Readiness: Having a financial buffer ensures you can tackle emergencies without resorting to credit cards or loans for assistance.

Goal Fulfillment: Whether it’s purchasing a house, launching a business, or enjoying a dream vacation, an effective saving strategy aids in achieving your financial objectives and transforming dreams into reality.

Peace of Mind: The knowledge that you have a fund set aside eases financial stress, offering peace of mind and allowing you to focus on other areas of your life.

Independence and Versatility: Savings grant financial freedom, creating a scenario where you can make decisions based on your preferences without immediate financial limitations.


Small changes can significantly bolster your savings foundation. Here, we offer six strategies for immediate savings.

AUTOMATED TRANSFERS: By automating your savings plan, you can effortlessly set aside a portion of your income each month. This approach is beneficial when specific goals dictate your savings, such as creating an emergency fund or planning a vacation. Almost all banks offer automatic transfer options between checking and savings accounts, helping you manage saving without the need to remember it.

LIMIT DINING OUT: Cutting back on restaurant meals is one of the easiest ways to bolster your savings as eating out is often more expensive than home-cooked meals. Reducing the frequency of eating out, or allotting for a few restaurant meals in your monthly budget, can significantly help.

A 30-DAY COOLDOWN: Implementing a 30-day savings rule can regulate impulse buying and enhance your savings. This rule creates a cooling-off period before you commit to a purchase, allowing you to reconsider, especially for online shopping.

CUT BACK ON ELECTRICITY: Being mindful about energy use can help reduce your electricity bill. Both minor and major changes to your energy usage habits, such as sealing insulation leaks, using energy-saving appliances, or opting for a smart thermostat, can result in considerable annual savings.

PAY OFF HIGH-INTEREST DEBT: Juggling saving and settling high-interest debt is a common dilemma. Eliminating high-interest debt quicker can be achieved by making extra payments, freeing you from this burden sooner and enabling more saving.

A NO-SPEND MONTH: Challenge yourself to only spend on essentials for one month. This exercise can help you live frugally without unnecessary expenses as it tests your capability to live without certain indulgences.


A strong base of savings offers a key pillar to your financial health. It ensures security, provides flexibility, offers a safety net against surprise expenses, and empowers you to reach your financial objectives. Try integrating these strategies into your routine, finding a balance that fits your lifestyle and financial aspirations. Remember, saving is a gradual journey where even minor changes can accumulate remarkable results over time. Your regular savings will eventually turn into good money habits.