6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet – MaybeMoney

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

Building a savings foundation can be challenging, especially when the budget is limited, but its benefits are substantial in the long run. It offers a safety cushion against unexpected occurrences like a recession or emergencies. In this post, we’ll delve into some effective saving techniques that could help reach your monetary objectives.

So, why is a savings plan necessary? Here are primary reasons:

Securing Finances: A well-thought-out savings plan serves as your financial safety net, shielding you from unanticipated expenditures such as medical emergencies, vehicular repairs, or sudden job loss.

Emergency Readiness: It creates a financial buffer for emergencies, enabling you to deal with unexpected predicaments without needing to depend on credit cards or loans.

Realizing Goals: Whether you aim to purchase a house, initiate a company, or embark on a much-desired vacation, savings aid in progressing towards your financial objectives, converting your ambitions into reality.

Peacefulness: Being aware that you have a reserve of savings alleviates financial stress, promoting mental tranquility and free attention to other life aspects.

Independence and Freedom: Savings enable financial liberation, providing the ability to make decisions based on your desires rather than being constrained by immediate financial limitations.


Implementing minor consistent changes can facilitate a robust savings base. Here are six tactics to start saving now.


Establishing an automated savings plan ensures a portion of your monthly income is saved hassle-free. This approach is particularly beneficial if your savings are aimed at specific targets such as forming an emergency fund or building a down payment.

Most banks provide a feature that automatically routes funds from your checking account to your savings account. You get to dictate the transfer timing, amount, and destination or even split your salary deposit so that a fraction goes straight into your savings. The benefit lies in its simplicity; you don’t need to stress about it, reducing the likelihood of spending the money on other things.


One of the quickest ways to save more is through cutting back on dining out, as home-cooked meals tend to be more affordable. If you still fancy eating out occasionally, cutting back on your dining frequency or setting aside provision for some restaurant meals in your monthly budget can help save you a good amount.

You might consider ordering appetizers, splitting an entrée, or enjoying your drinks and desserts at home post-dinner to conserve funds.


Applying the 30-day savings rule can tame impulse spending. It allows for a period of reevaluation before making a purchase, suppressing any knee-jerk buying decisions.

Consider leaving your online shopping cart for a while before purchasing. If 30 days appear too lengthy, consider shorter waiting periods, say 24 or 48 hours.


Several easy measures can be taken to conserve energy and cut utility costs. Monitor your home’s energy consumption, make both big and small changes to reduce annual energy costs. This can range from switching off lights to doing laundry cost-efficiently.

Consider sealing any insulation leaks, installing smart power strips, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, or adopting a smart thermostat. Even a slight reduction in monthly electricity consumption can result in substantial long-term savings.


Juggling between saving and paying down debt is a common financial dilemma. High-interest debt payments can weigh heavily on your budget. Consider making faster repayments, using either the snowball or the avalanche methods to save on the total interest paid and unshackle yourself sooner from the debt.

Once a debt has been cleared, you can start adding those repayments to your savings instead. Lacking additional income for these repayments? Perhaps a side hustle could provide this extra cash.


A no-spend month implies restricting your spending to only essentials for a month. This frugal period can significantly decrease unnecessary expenditures. Make sure to set your allowable purchases in advance (what to buy, what not to). To enhance your success, find a friend to join you or at least hold you accountable.


Building a solid savings foundation is vital for your financial wellbeing as it ensures security, flexibility and provides a safety net against unexpected expenses while setting you on the path to reach your ultimate financial goals. Try out the strategies mentioned above and select those that best fit your circumstances and aspirations. Remember, savings accrue gradually, and minor adjustments now can yield impressive results over time. As you begin building your savings, you’re also ingraining solid money habits into your day-to-day life.