6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet – MaybeMoney

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

6 Unexplored Saving Techniques You Might Not Have Attempted Yet

Putting aside money isn’t always straightforward, particularly when finances are strained, but the benefits it provides in the long run are valuable. Having a substantial savings cushion is invaluable as protection against potential economic downturns or unexpected emergencies. In this piece, we will discuss some savings techniques to help you reach your financial objectives.

What makes a savings plan crucial? Let’s look at several compelling reasons:

Financial Security: A well-designed savings strategy can help create a financial safety net. Accumulated savings can guard against unpredictable expenses such as healthcare crises, car repairs, or abrupt job loss.

Emergency Readiness: Rigorous savings provides a financial buffer in emergencies. Should unexpected costs appear, your savings can counteract them, saving you from dependency on credit cards or loans.

Goal Achievement: Be it purchasing a house, starting a business venture, or planning a dream vacation, a savings strategy can help achieve these financial ambitions. It can turn your aspirations into tangible realities.

Peace of Mind: Knowing you have earmarked funds for savings can alleviate financial worries and bring peace of mind, allowing you to focus on other areas of your life.

Independence and Flexibility: Accumulated savings beget financial independence. Having a reserve of money gives you the liberty to make decisions based on your discretion and not be constrained by immediate financial demands.


When it comes to creating significant savings, small changes can make a big difference. Here are six techniques you can utilise to grow your savings:


With a “set and forget” approach to saving, a fraction of your monthly income goes straight into a savings account without having to remember to arrange transfers. This can be particularly helpful when you’re saving for specific purposes like creating an emergency fund, planning a vacation, or putting together a deposit.

Most banks facilitate automatic transfers within your accounts. You can designate when and how much to transfer or even allocate a percentage of your paycheck to feed directly into your savings. Benefits? You don’t have to worry about forgetting, and you’re less likely to touch the savings.


One of the most immediate ways to increase savings is by reducing the number of meals you eat at restaurants. Prepare meals at home more often as dining out is typically more expensive. However, if you prefer dining out, try to limit the frequency and allot a specific number within your monthly budget.

When eating out, you can opt for appetizers or share a main course to save costs. For dessert or drinks, consider indulging at home instead, which can stretch your budget further.


The 30-day savings rule provides a breather between the time you spot an item and the moment you make the purchase. This simple but efficient strategy can curb impulsive spending and boost savings.

If online shopping is your weakness, place the item in your cart and step back for a while. If waiting for thirty days seems too long, consider shorter cooling-off periods.


Curtailing your utilities spending either involves significant changes or mindfulness about your home energy usage. Undertake simple measures—like turning off lights and washing clothes in a cost-effective way—for utility savings.

Implementation of both significant and minor alterations to your energy usage could save you hundreds every year on your electricity bill. Other choices can include fixing insulation gaps, getting smart power strips, swapping in energy-efficient appliances and switching to a smart thermostat.


Deciding the allocation of money towards savings or repaying debt is a challenge faced by many. Debts can significantly burden your overall budget. By adopting methods like the snowball or avalanche to pay off debts with high interest, you can lessen the total interest payout and liberate yourself from debt sooner. After clearing a debt, divert the repayment funds into savings.


Embark on a no-spend challenge for a month, avoiding all non-essential spending. This means cutting out all unnecessary expenses and living frugally.

Ensure you’re clear about the rules from the very beginning. Having an accountability partner or friend can be a great help during this challenge.


Having an extensive savings base is a fundamental aspect of your financial well-being. It provides security, flexibility, acts as a shield against unexpected expenses, and offers a path to reach your financial targets. Consider adopting the aforementioned strategies to find a blend that suits your lifestyle and financial objectives. Remember, saving is a gradual process, and even small changes can yield considerable results over time. As you cultivate a habit of saving, you’ll seamlessly integrate good money management into your lifestyle.