7 Essential Ingredients for Crafting Tasty Coffee and Lattes at Home – MaybeMoney

7 Essential Ingredients for Crafting Tasty Coffee and Lattes at Home

7 Essential Ingredients for Crafting Tasty Coffee and Lattes at Home

Like me, you might find joy in sipping a delightful cup of coffee. As winter sets in, this joy becomes essential everyday comfort. However, the cost of purchasing coffee while on the go can be overwhelming. Apart from the price, cafe lattes often come with extra sugars and additives that I’d rather avoid. So, I’ve devised a practical solution to enjoy delicious homemade coffee at an affordable price. Isn’t that fantastic?


Previously, I was a die-hard fan of the traditional coffee maker. But my perception changed about six years ago when I came across the French press. I had the opportunity to use one while I was employed in a hotel as I completed my Master’s degree. From that day on, my coffee routine took an exciting turn.

I initially bought a Bodum French Press which served me perfectly until it broke. The fragile nature of the glass structure makes it vulnerable to accidents. Mine eventually broke, but considering its affordability, it was an excellent starting point. While it lasted, it provided value for the money spent. Although investing in a French press might seem expensive initially, the benefits surely outweigh the cost.

After my first French press broke, I upgraded to the luxurious and durable Frieling Double-walled Stainless Steel French Press that comes with a lifetime warranty. The coffee it makes is simply incredible!


A French press enhances the taste of coffee because you can control the water temperature and steeping time, thus adjusting the strength and acidity. To make coffee with a French press, remove the kettle from the stove just before boiling point. Stir the coffee and water in the press. Cover it and leave it for about 3-4 minutes, based on your preference for strength and acidity. After steeping, push down the plunger, and voila, your coffee is ready.


If you do not already own a tea kettle, you’ll need one for this homemade coffee process. Tea kettles vary in prices. Alternatively, you can opt for the convenient electric tea kettle, perfect for making a quick coffee or tea at your desk without a trip to your kitchen.


Over time, I realized that the coffee from the French Press could use some extra straining before drinking. To handle this, a mini tea strainer does the trick as it eliminates the grit usually found at the bottom of the cup.


For an exceptional homemade coffee and latte experience, a mini whisk comes in handy. Adding your sweetener, creamer, and other flavor enhancers before pouring in the coffee and stirring everything together using the whisk results in a frothy, creamy coffee drink.


Coffee bean selection is personal since we all have different taste preferences. I favor espresso beans for a richer flavor. I also recommend using espresso grind for a French press, which is typically coarser compared to the grind for drip coffee makers. You may consider getting a small coffee grinder or pre-grinding your beans at your local store. To retain freshness, always store ground coffee in the refrigerator or freezer.


The beauty of homemade coffee is the ability to use any creamer of choice. Whether you prefer Almond Milk, Cashew Milk, or a different type, you have the flexibility to create your perfect latte at home.


Adding different flavors can elevate the taste of your home-brewed coffee. For example, adding hot chocolate or peppermint to create a mocha latte can be exciting. Be creative; you could also consider essential oils, vanilla, honey, or chai.

In summary, the joy of making your coffee at home brings both cost benefits and the taste customization. If you’re equipped with a French press, tea kettle, a mini strainer and whisk, quality coffee beans, your favorite creamer, and desired flavor additions, then you’re well on your way to enjoy your ideal homemade latte at a fraction of the cost. So, are you ready to start brewing? What are your favorite tools and additionals for making budget-friendly homemade coffee and lattes?