7 Side Jobs You Can Undertake with Your Significant Other – MaybeMoney

7 Side Jobs You Can Undertake with Your Significant Other

7 Side Jobs You Can Undertake with Your Significant Other

There’s no denying that living costs have risen sharply, making it increasingly challenging to lead a comfortable lifestyle, even for those in a partnership. The cost of essential items frequently leaves little to no room for enjoyment or entertainment. Consequently, many young professionals are seeking additional work or side gigs to help supplement their income and provide some financial breathing space.

While there are ample individual side jobs, earning extra income with your partner can be a fun, shared experience that also funds enjoyable activities together. Here’s a list of seven side hustles couples can embark on:

Trying to fit a second job around a traditional 9-5 can be complicated, but party planning often falls on weekends or evenings. Consider offering your services as a party planning team, assisting clients in locating the best vendors and venues for their events. Dividing the event planning duties between each other can make the process more manageable. Offering services at an hourly rate can boost your earnings.

Turning a love for cooking into a catering business can be an excellent avenue for making extra money. Event catering often falls during off-hours, making it a manageable side gig. One partner can handle the cooking while the other manages the business and food setup. Catering is a rewarding option, particularly if either partner enjoys baking. Many people are willing to pay a reasonable price for catered food, promising a decent return.

Platforms such as Airbnb offer an excellent opportunity to earn extra cash. Divide the responsibilities – assign one partner to handle pictures and listings, and the other to manage cleaning and renter instructions. Though more successful in tourist hotspots or larger cities, renting a property gives a steady income flow.

Possibly a more demanding option, operating a B&B can be a rewarding side venture. With the right location and set-up, welcoming guests over weekends or holidays can be both fun and financially beneficial. This best suits couples living in desirable locations and willing to put in the necessary effort.

House or pet sitting with your partner can add a fun element to the task. Platforms like Tailster or Trusted Housesitters can help advertise your services. The time commitment depends entirely on the selected jobs, making it adaptable to various schedules.

If you and your partner don’t shy away from cleaning, a side cleaning business can be profitable. With a growing number of individuals hiring cleaning services, this could be an ideal venture if you have flexible or weekend hours. Starting with friends and family, you can delineate duties and establish a routine before expanding.

It may sound unconventional, but many couples enjoy babysitting together. If you love children and know people who could use the help, babysitting can be a fun, easy way to earn extra money. The scheduling is flexible, and a platform like Care.com can widen your reach.

Harnessing side hustles for extra income doesn’t need to be dull – it can be something both partners truly enjoy. The satisfaction of treating yourselves using the money earned together can make outings even more special.

Are you and your partner considering a side hustle? How would you divide the responsibilities for these business ideas?