7 Simple Kitchen Enhancements to Undertake Prior to Putting Your House on the Market – MaybeMoney

7 Simple Kitchen Enhancements to Undertake Prior to Putting Your House on the Market

7 Simple Kitchen Enhancements to Undertake Prior to Putting Your House on the Market

The appeal of homes can greatly increase with well-maintained kitchens and bathrooms. Before putting your house on the market, consider some modifications such as updating the backsplash, painting your cabinets, refreshing cabinet fixtures, or even upgrading appliances. I’ve recently sold my house and experienced the benefits of some last-minute revamps in the kitchen. The best part is, these mini projects can be completed swiftly without needing to dig deep into your pocket. We’re not aiming for a full kitchen remodel here, but if you’re thinking of selling your house promptly or just feel like giving the space a quick breath-of-fresh-air, here are 7 simple tasks to spruce up your kitchen before the ‘For Sale’ sign goes up.

Your cabinets could use a refreshing makeover, like applying a fresh coat of paint or even changing their entire look. Now is the perfect opportunity to mend that chipped paint or make the changes that have been on your to-do list for some time now. Typically, the paint and necessary supplies for the job will cost less than $100.
Consider handy tricks like changing your cabinet hardware – it’s quite affordable and provides a noticeable upgrade. You could easily order it online from Amazon or drive down to any nearby Home Depot or Lowes. You may also consider replacing some cabinet doors with transparent glass ones or removing them entirely for an ‘open cabinet’ style, which is gaining popularity due to its clean, practical, and airy effect.

Your kitchen walls can benefit from a touch-up as well. Kitchens are spill-prone areas, hence cleaning and repainting the walls before selling could be a good idea. Alternatively, a complete change in the wall color could give the room a refreshingly new look at a low cost. Free paint samples can give you an idea of how this might look.

Adding a backsplash, if your kitchen lacks one, could be a game-changer. When we first moved in, installation of a backsplash significantly enhanced the look of our kitchen, creating a brighter, neat and elegant space. What’s even better is that it was a self-installation project, requiring minimal tools. YouTube and other online tutorials can guide through the process, or maybe have a friend who is experienced in this area help you out.

A new faucet can be more economical than replacing the entire sink while offering a noticeable improvement that may impress potential buyers. Scout for replacements if your current faucet has seen better days or you desire a fresh look. Basic faucets typically cost less than $100, inclusive of fancy spray versions. Make sure to hire a professional for correct installation if you’re not comfortable tackling this yourself.


Flooring replacement can offer a notable kitchen upgrade if you have the requisite skills, or consider hiring an affordable professional. Either replacing worn-out kitchen tiles or updating hardwood can provide a significant uplift. Size of your kitchen will determine the cost, but it’s generally a manageable expense. You can view the best flooring options online or at home-improvement stores. Some sites even allow you to virtually preview the finish in your house. If your current flooring is in decent condition, simple polishing and shining might be sufficient.

Light fixtures often get neglected in cleaning sessions before house-sale. However, their cleanliness can play a major role in presentations for potential buyers and realtors. Start by revamping existing lights and replace the bulb(s), even slightly dim ones. New lighting can positively impact the overall brightness of your kitchen. Furthermore, replacing the light fixture might be worthy to consider and usually, this won’t cost more than $100.

Start decluttering your kitchen, aiming for as much space as possible for buyers to appreciate features like cabinets and backsplashes. Items like cups and coffee mugs tend to accumulate over time and represent an area to focus your decluttering on. Sort through your kitchen appliances, pack away or discard lesser-used items to free up counter space. Just remember, decluttering doesn’t have to be a single-day mission.

Modest kitchen upgrades can substantially enhance one of your house’s key selling points. Paying attention to small details, such as paint, backsplash, or a faucet, can attract more buyers and expedite your sale. Moreover, a refurbished kitchen could even raise your house’s value. If you’re planning to list your house within the next few months, draw up a to-do list and commence these cost-effective yet impactful kitchen upgrades pronto.