7 Simple Strategies to Reduce Homeowners Insurance Costs – MaybeMoney

7 Simple Strategies to Reduce Homeowners Insurance Costs

7 Simple Strategies to Reduce Homeowners Insurance Costs

Mortgage-related homeowners insurance is typically considered a mandatory add-on, and its monthly installments only increase your mortgage payments. However, it’s an investment that rewards in the long run, providing financial coverage for you to replace belongings or reconstruct after a disaster. Plus, with numerous money-saving tactics at your disposal, you can efficiently cut down your insurance costs. This is particularly beneficial in today’s market scenario, which has witnessed a 30% surge in home prices owing to inflation and other market dynamics. Remember, as a homeowner, you’re at the liberty to choose your insurer, hence, take time to make an informed decision.

Here, we present eight practical, easy-to-follow ways to minimize your homeowners insurance expenses:

1. GET VARIOUS QUOTES: Start by comparing quotes from different insurers, a task simplified today by myriad free online platforms. Understand the varied homeowners insurance policies and coverage levels. Usually, you’d need a dwelling coverage for your home’s structural protection, and a personal property coverage to replace damaged items. If you own detached structures like a garage or shed, opt for ‘other structures’ coverage. Ensure your coverage aligns with your home’s value. A higher deductible can result in lower premium options. Carefully study all quotes and packages before making your choice.

2. POLICY BUNDLING: Merging your auto and home coverage with the same company can often result in savings. While it’s advisable to validate this with comparative quotes, consider checking with your existing insurer for potential discounts on bundle deals. Many companies, including big names like Geico and Progressive, are known to offer hefty discounts on bundled policies. By doing so, your savings could range from 10% to 20%, although it largely depends on your insurer.

3. UPGRADE YOUR HOME’S SECURITY: Insurance companies assess your home’s risk factors, including susceptibility to storms, fires, or burglaries. Enhancing your home security could help in securing lower insurance rates. Up-to-date systems and features such as impact-resistant roofing, window locks, and an overall bolstered security system can significantly reduce risks. Remember, fewer claims result in lesser insurance hikes. However, before making expensive improvements, discuss potential insurance rates with providers.

4. AVAIL DISCOUNTS: Every insurance provider offers a range of discounts, some of which you may be unaware of. Feel free to inquire and explore. From home safety feature-related discounts to exciting rewards for farmers, the possibilities are infinite. Companies like Liberty Mutual even provide exclusive offers to longstanding clients, as well as new customers who switch over before their existing policy expires.

5. RAISE YOUR DEDUCTIBLES: A deductible is an amount subtracted from the claim settlement for property damages, and it usually falls within the $500-$1,000 range. Increasing this figure could result in lower insurance rates but may discourage filing of minor damage claims. It does indicate a higher financial responsibility, so think it through carefully.

6. IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT SCORE: Credit-based insurance scores are used by companies to predict potential claims. Therefore, maintaining a good credit score is vital. Regular bill payments and keeping your credit utilization low can help improve your credit score leading to lower insurance premiums.

7. REGULAR ASSESSMENT OF YOUR PROPERTY COVERAGE: Periodic assessments of your property and possessions could also result in insurance savings. If you’ve sold off certain high-value items like antiques, you can downgrade your high-limit insurance. Always compare rates from different providers before deciding.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Effective money management with homeowners insurance can reduce your mortgage payments and ensure that you get optimal coverage at an affordable rate. Thorough research, asking for discounts and being open to changing insurers can work wonders towards maintaining a lowered premium. Remember, your mortgage lender does not mandate a specific insurer as long as you maintain adequate coverage.