8 Budget-Friendly Suggestions to Make You Feel Like Prom Royalty – MaybeMoney

8 Budget-Friendly Suggestions to Make You Feel Like Prom Royalty

8 Budget-Friendly Suggestions to Make You Feel Like Prom Royalty

Turning your junior or senior prom into a memorable event could incur considerable costs, from clothing and flowers to photographs and transport services. In fact, the expenses can be equivalent to hosting a full-scale wedding. Nonetheless, with some financial savvy, students can afford these costs while simultaneously focussing on other priorities, such as securing an ideal date. These eight budget-friendly tips will allow you to enjoy prom without overspending:
1. Borrow Accessories
Look into your mother’s or grandmother’s jewelry box to find vintage accessories to match your outfit. You may ask to borrow jewelry from your sister, cousin, or friends. If you opt to buy, choose versatile jewelry you could wear in the future.
2. Economize on Dresses
Every girl yearns to look like royalty at prom, but spending extravagantly on a gown you’ll wear once isn’t advisable. Opt for an affordable cocktail dress suitably worn for after-prom and future formal events. Search consignment stores, thrift shops, or discount stores like Nordstrom and Dillards for reasonably priced vintage dresses, and look for online deals.
3. DIY Beauty Preparation
Extravagant hairstyles have fallen out of favor; consider doing your own hair, makeup, and nails. You can even swap grooming services with friends and save up to $200. Consider enlisting a relative, like a mom or aunt, for help, and remember to practice the hairstyle before prom night.
4. Creative Floral Tips
Create your own boutonnieres and corsages or buy them from local supermarkets, which usually price their flowers 40% less than flower shops. Consider minimalist options like a single rose or elegant flower arrangement.
5. Skip the Professional Photos
Professional prom photos can range from $25 to $75 and often end up forgotten. Instead, split photo duties with friends for more authentic memories. Use services like CVS or Snapfish for cheap photo prints and digital photo albums.
6. Tuxedo Price Comparison
Tuxedo rental can cost anywhere from $75 to $100. Therefore, it’s crucial to shop around and even negotiate prices. Rent en masse with friends for better deals. Also, make sure the package includes requisite accessories.
7. Forego the Limo
Limo services can easily cost upwards of $400, factoring in minimum hours and gratuity. Splitting this cost amongst friends can lessen the financial load. Alternatively, a party bus can host a larger number of people and is often more cost-effective. You can also consider borrowing a car from a family member.
8. Purchase Discounted Gift Cards
Buying discounted gift cards can save you up to 30% on prom essentials such as dresses, shoes, and flowers. Websites like GiftCardGranny.com provide gift cards for major retailers like Target, Macy’s, and 1-800 Flowers.