8 Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances While on the Go – MaybeMoney

8 Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances While on the Go

8 Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances While on the Go

Vacations are meant for relaxation, a good respite from your everyday routine, exploring unfamiliar territories and experiencing novelty. However, being a tourist makes you an easy target for potential pickpockets and thieves – an unsettling realization that often sets in after falling prey to such schemes.

To safeguard your finances and personal information, here are eight useful practices:

1. INFORM YOUR BANK: Before embarking on your trip, notify your bank and credit card companies about your travel plans. It is important to specify your whereabouts and the duration of your stay to prevent the flagging of your transactions as suspicious activity, which could freeze your accounts abruptly.

2. PACK LEAN: Minimize the clutter in your wallet while traveling. Carry only necessary cards and cash and avoid carrying any document carrying your social security number. Keep your debit card, if you’re carrying one, in a secure position to prevent potential compromise of your account.

3. MAKE DUPLICATES: Consider making copies of your vital documents. Items such as driver’s license, passport, and credit/debit cards, along with the bank’s contact information, should be duplicated. Leave a set of these copies with a trusted friend or family member and email a set to yourself to ensure quick action if required.

4. DIVERSIFY STORAGE: Avoid carrying all your cash or identification in one place. Stow part of your cash in a safe spot such as your hotel safe and carry the rest on you. Do not store cash in your checked-in luggage.

5. SCRUTINIZE ATMS: While withdrawing cash, exercise care with the choice of ATMs. Shun stand-alone ATMs that aren’t in or close to a bank territory. Check the ATM’s condition thoroughly for signs of tampering.

6. PREFER CREDIT CARDS: Credit cards are generally safer for travel purposes than debit cards that offer direct access to your bank account. This can prevent potential thieves from instantaneously draining your account and provides better legal protection.

7. ENABLE ALERTS: It’s advisable to enable account alerts. These updates on your spending activity, particularly irregular activity or high-value transactions, can help track fraud in real-time and immediately alert your bank.

8. SAFEGUARD VALUABLES: Be discerning with where you carry your belongings. A money belt can serve as a safer alternative to carrying a wallet or purse. Should you leave any valuables in your hotel room, ensure they’re secure and out of sight.

While it may feel tedious preparing for worst-case scenarios when all you aspire for is a relaxed vacation, remember that prevention is better than cure. By taking these measures, you’ll not only put your mind at rest but also savor your holiday without worry.

What strategies have you adopted to protect yourself from financial theft while travelling? Let’s discuss!