9 Approaches Whereby Mother Nature Can Help You Cut Costs – MaybeMoney

9 Approaches Whereby Mother Nature Can Help You Cut Costs

9 Approaches Whereby Mother Nature Can Help You Cut Costs

In our modern society, we depend heavily on all things digital. Cell phones, now an essential extension of ourselves, impact every facet of our lives. Home, car, pets; we are entirely synced with our handheld devices. Nevertheless, the evolution of technology doesn’t come without a cost.

Expenses escalate as we invest in upgraded internet and phone services, discard perfectly functioning older gadgets for the latest models, and consume more electricity to maintain our 24/7 connectivity. This makes us wonder, what ever happened to simple, old-fashioned enjoyment?

Whenever power disruptions occur, it is commonplace for people to panic because our contemporary lives are intricately linked with electricity. Yet, is it possible to return to a simpler era and not depend so much on energy and technology? Turns out, we can.

Simultaneously, as people flock to procure the newest tech innovations, there’s a burgeoning trend towards eco-consciousness and reducing reliance on technology. Adopting environmentally friendly practices can lead to significant savings. Below are nine effective ways you can take advantage of nature’s bounties to ease your budgetary constraints.


Living without an air conditioner in the heat of summer may seem unimaginable, but our ancestors had their ways. They used architectural design to ensure ventilation and leveraged the natural cool of evenings to maintain indoor temperatures. Transitioning away from heaters and air conditioning units during the intermediary periods of spring and autumn could decrease your utility bills. Moreover, you also enjoy the freshness of natural air.


Everyone knows that lowering the thermostat in winter while you are away or tucked under thick blankets can save energy and expenses. But even when you’re home during the day, drawing your blinds and drapes can assist in warming up rooms without resorting to cranking up the thermostat. Keep in mind to close them when it starts getting dark to retain the warmth of the day.


The sun’s rays, a free resource, can be transformed into electricity thanks to scientific advancements. Installing solar power at home can be a sizeable investment, but with governmental incentives and the lowering costs of solar cells, it could be worthwhile. Once your investment is paid off through savings, you could enjoy the benefits of utilizing nature to power your home.


Wind turbines have been around for ages, but have only recently gained attention again. Small wind turbines could be instrumental in running your home and potentially contribute energy back to the grid. While it requires a substantial initial outlay, the potential long-term savings make it an attractive option.


This is yet another green alternative to power your home. Although the initial expenses can seem hefty, and the return takes a bit longer than other renewable resources, geothermal heating can significantly reduce your energy bills.


National and local parks provide an excellent opportunity to get some fresh air without spending a dime. City parks often feature playgrounds that not only entertain children but also assist in their social development. Exploring the breathtaking landscapes our parks offer provides immeasurable returns for a nominal entry fee.


Prior to the advent of mass-produced food, people relied on gardens for fresh produce. You can save quite a bit on groceries by planting your own fruits and vegetables. Planting seeds as opposed to buying plants can help you maintain your garden economically. Always utilize the produce you harvest by preserving it for later consumption. You might even consider selling excess produce at a local farmer’s market for some additional income.


The cost of watering plants during the summer can impact your water bill heavily. Collecting and using rainwater can offset this expense. Simply set up a rain barrel at a paltry cost (do ensure that local laws permit this) and use the collected water for watering your garden or houseplants.


Hunting and fishing could also help with food costs. Yes, the required equipment could potentially be pricey, but the benefits of spending time outdoors and bringing back food make it a worthwhile investment.

Adopting simpler, more nature-focused habits not only can save money but can also enhance health and well-being. By welcoming some of these practices into your life, you could appreciate untold benefits. Granted, you don’t need to convert your home into a solar or wind energy paradise. But adjusting your usage of appliances such as heaters and air conditioning units, and enjoying the outdoors and fresh air could result in appreciable savings.

So, tell us, have you tried any of these tips? Are you planning on adopting greener practices in the future?