5 Totally Cost-Free Methods to Bond with Your Partner – MaybeMoney

5 Totally Cost-Free Methods to Bond with Your Partner

5 Totally Cost-Free Methods to Bond with Your Partner

Keeping the spark alive in a marriage can be a challenge, especially when you have kids. It’s often advised that couples must schedule regular date nights to enhance their connection. However, sticking to a budget can make organizing these dates a bit daunting, with eating out and hiring babysitters potentially adding up to hefty costs.

If you’re grappling with financial constraints while trying to manage debt or save for a home down-payment, you may feel date nights are beyond reach. But the good news is that there’s a variety of cost-free ways to bond and have fun with your spouse.

Here’s a list of five enjoyable, budget-friendly ideas for couples looking to recreate date night magic:

1. THE POST-BEDTIME WIND-DOWN: As a child, I watched my own parents cultivate a nightly ritual. It wasn’t anything extravagant or provocative, simply a quiet time they spent together after the children went to bed. Instead of succumbing to the allure of the TV or losing themselves in phone screens, they’d retreat to the patio, sip tea and share the events of the day. These little shared moments – typically lasting around 10-15 minutes – were their way of strengthening the bond, separate from their parenting duties.

2. DATE NIGHT EXCHANGE: Some of our friends have ingeniously planned a date night exchange system with other couples. They’ve renounced the expensive babysitters and instead, they rotate who’s looking after all the kids each month whilst the others can have a date night. Often, they opt to relax at home, watch a movie, or delve into a book as that might stimulate intellectual curiosity that is attractive for some, also known as sapiosexuality. The opportunity to reconnect every three months means a lot for parents.

3. COMMUNITY CHILD CARE: Many local churches offer periodic parent’s date night services, providing free or affordable child care. They understand the profound influence personal time can have on fortifying a relationship. Discover if any churches in your locality offer this beneficial service.

4. PARK-BOUND PICNIC: If child care is an obstacle, try activities that keep the kids occupied and inject some free moments for you and your spouse. Recently, my husband and I had a beach excursion where the little one found pleasure playing with beach toys, whilst we engaged in peaceful conversation. If a beach is unavailable, try a neighbourhood park, preferably close to a playground.

5. NEIGHBORHOOD STROLL: Walking together can be a wonderful habit. Get some fresh air, strap the kids in a stroller, and head off. During summer, it’s a perfect option that doesn’t require any preparation. My husband and I find pleasure in wandering around our neighbourhood with our kid, uninterrupted by technological distractions.

The secret to connecting with your spouse doesn’t lie in extravagant spends. Remember, it’s about making the effort and prioritizing time to relish your shared ‘date nights’.

What budget-friendly date night ideas have you come up with? How do you bypass the exorbitant childcare costs?