6 Factors Impeding Productivity and Strategies for Dodging Them – MaybeMoney

6 Factors Impeding Productivity and Strategies for Dodging Them

6 Factors Impeding Productivity and Strategies for Dodging Them

Do you ever feel as though your days fly by without anything to show for it? Do you find your to-do list piling up instead of dwindling down?
Sometimes, attempting to achieve all your tasks can seem like an uphill task. Additionally, as tasks accumulate, productivity seems to more than often take a downturn. Furthermore, being constantly immersed in technology brings numerous distractions throughout the day.
In this digital era, we seem to be always mentally wired to our devices, on standby round-the-clock. Regrettably, an increasing number of attention-seekers can often hinder productivity.
So, how do we stay efficient? Recognizing your productivity obstacles and devising plans to overcome them is crucial.
Outlined below are six key productivity barriers and potential strategies to counter them.
Mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives, allowing seamless communication. With the advent of smartphones, we can be constantly connected, thanks to the blossoming forms of communication; from Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, to Twitter. Naturally, this comes with its downsides as we constantly find ourselves bombarded with various notifications.
While working, these notifications can be a nuisance, draining your productivity. As much as we try to avoid them, our brains seem naturally wired to check these alerts as soon as they pop up, potentially leading to time wastage.
Even if you manage to ignore them, the mere awareness of their existence can be distracting. So, how do we manage these interruptions? Consider enabling do not disturb mode during work hours, limiting the notifications you receive or using an app that funnels all notifications into one location for later viewing.
Although not immediately apparent, clutter can negatively affect your productivity. Excessive items in your workspace or computer can disrupt your concentration. Aim to remove unhelpful items from your workspace to reduce distraction.
Make it a habit to declutter your workspace, both virtually and physically, once a week.
Staying in a cubicle day-in-day-out can feel uninspiring and lead to restlessness. While promotions or changing jobs could offer a solution, you can always find ways to accommodate yourself. Make it a point to step outside at least once a day or take a stroll within the office to reenergize.
Unless you work in a private office, it’s typical to encounter various office noises, exercises and interruptions. Even so, excessive noise can interfere with concentration.
Strive to find quieter spaces to work, or consider investing in noise-cancelling headphones. If interruptions are common, set timings when you prefer not to be disturbed or schedule specific meeting times.
Regular breaks, albeit for smoking or snacking, can often be a form of procrastination. If you absolutely must take a break, make sure they are adequately spaced and not used as an excuse for dodging your to-do list.
In this digital age, the pressure to stay connected 24/7 prevails. However, do you really need to check your emails every few minutes? Instead, allocate specific times each day to attend to your inbox and keep responses concise. Also, ensure you unsubscribe from irrelevant emails that take up valuable time. Apply the same principle to social media.
Consider using a site blocker if managing your screen time is a challenge. It’s a common habit to seek distractions when we need to focus. However, by being aware of your productivity barriers and devising ways to navigate them, you might end up accomplishing more than you think.
What strategies do you employ when struggling to stay productive?