A Review on the Book – Debt Heroes – MaybeMoney

A Review on the Book – Debt Heroes

A Review on the Book - Debt Heroes

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Are you burdened with debt? If yes, there’s no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Many of us have been there before or are currently facing a similar situation. For those who are deeply caught in debt, it may seem like a never-ending tunnel. It is natural to feel disheartened and overwhelmed.

The new ebook, Debt Heroes, authored by Ben Edwards and Jeff Rose, introduces you to the success stories of 21 people who managed to be debt-free, with amounts ranging from $21,000 up to almost $500,000 achieved within a span of 7 months to 8 years. The book contains practical advice and guidance, woven into these success stories, on how you could overcome your debt situation.

This book stands apart due to the inspiring stories of individuals who managed to pay off their debts. Just as anyone eager to shed some weight would love to ask a former overweight person ‘how they did it?’ this book serves to answer the same question for people under debt. Among the 21 people featured, some are well-known figures in the personal finance blogging universe, like J.D. Roth and Adam Baker, while others gained media spotlight recently, like Joe Mihalic eliminated his substantial Harvard student loan debt in just 7 months.

Each interview is concise, spanning just a few pages, but a link is available to read their entire journey.

The book’s unique approach conceives the journey of becoming debt-free as a heroic endeavor that demands determination and a radical shift in one’s attitude and behavior towards money.

The book is segmented into 5 sections:
1. The Hero’s Journey to Eliminate Debt
2. Destroying Debt
3. Debt Dangers to Avoid
4. Why Be a Hero
5. Summary

These sections are filled with essential advice about understanding the reasons behind your indebtedness and strategies to get out of it. The best aspect of the book is that the authors have an open-minded approach towards debt-freedom. They don’t argue in favor of any specific method; rather, they encourage you to find the way that best suits your lifestyle, ensuring you stay motivated and achieve your goal faster.

Critics may argue that the 21 debt stories aren’t as comprehensive as they could be. However, the authors have provided links for each individual if readers wish to explore the debt-free journeys in more detail.

This book will likely provide you motivation and act as an instrumental guide in understanding the reasons behind your debt, while giving you strategies and techniques to overcome it. The 21 ‘Debt Heroes’ hail from diverse backgrounds and encountered debt for various reasons; chances are you’ll find at least one story that resonates with you.

For one day only, Debt Heroes is available for a complimentary download from Amazon. Even if you don’t own a Kindle, you can install Amazon’s free software to download and read the ebook on your computer.