Achieving Your Fitness Objectives Without Overstretching Your Finances – MaybeMoney

Achieving Your Fitness Objectives Without Overstretching Your Finances

Achieving Your Fitness Objectives Without Overstretching Your Finances

While it may seem a bit trite, with the dawn of a new year, many of us are zeroing in on ways to enhance our health and wellness. Frankly, I’m with them on this one, and it’s a path I myself am walking too. Primarily, your health should head the list of your life’s priorities since being unhealthy can undermine your ability to fulfill your other aspirations. We tend to put our physical health on the back burner as we charge ahead with our daily lives, and this can take a toll on our overall wellbeing. If a healthier, fitter you is what you seek in the coming year, let me assure you, you’re in good company. So here are some wallet-friendly ways to kickstart your health journey.

Take the first stride towards a healthier you by becoming more active. This doesn’t necessarily mean having to hit the gym. If the idea of pricey gym membership doesn’t appeal to you, there’s plenty you can do right in your home or nearby. Start with daily walks, jogs in the morning or evening, or follow some free exercise videos on YouTube. The key is to stick to a specific regime. Choose preferable workout times, set aside at least 30 minutes for a few days every week and invite a buddy to assist and motivate you. There are free mobile apps like My Fitness Pal to keep you going. For women, the free Nike Training App offers professional routines targeted at your personal goals.

If staying motivated to maintain a routine exercise schedule is challenging for you, consider a gym membership. While many may argue against it as an unnecessary expense, if you value health, it can be worth it. The good news is, it doesn’t always have to be a cash drain. Forget high-end gyms with state-of-the-art facilities. There are affordable options that charge as little as $36 per month like mine, which gives you unlimited access throughout the week. Fitness classes can be an additional perk that helps you push your limits. Also, try checking out your local park district or as an alternative, YMCA.

Drinking water – a healthy and free way of boosting your health. It’s calorie-free and is the best hydration therapy. If you’re hooked on sugary drinks like I was, try infusing your water with fruits for that flavorful fun.

Despite your packed schedule, adequate rest is paramount for looking and feeling healthy. Revamp your priorities to fit in a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. You’ll soon notice a remarkable increase in your energy levels!

The critical element of weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. Start by reducing your intake of problem foods – rich in fats, calories, and artificial flavoring. Replace these with healthier options like fresh fruits, and watch your portion sizes.

Remember, though, enhancing your health and wellness in the coming year need not throw your finances out of balance. Don’t fall into the trap of expensive diets, protein-rich powders, and activities. Instead, focus on regular physical activity and healthy eating habits. Replace your unhealthy food preferences with healthier alternatives.

So, how do you plan on maintaining your health goals this year?