Adore Starbucks? Discover 4 Strategies to Cut Costs – MaybeMoney

Adore Starbucks? Discover 4 Strategies to Cut Costs

Adore Starbucks? Discover 4 Strategies to Cut Costs

Many financial gurus suggest breaking the Starbucks habit to noticeably boost your yearly savings. However, we understand how tough it would be to part ways with your beloved coffee ritual. Thus, here are four resourceful methods to enjoy your favorite Starbucks refreshments while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.

Starbucks Chai Tea Latte, a crowd-pleaser for many, comes with a price tag of $3.65 for a grande. To savor a similar taste without burning your pocket, consider ordering a grande chai tea and request a touch of steamed milk on top. If the quantity remains within an inch, the baristas, in most cases, won’t charge you extra. You could also add cold milk, half and half, or sugar from the counter to whip up an equally delicious beverage. By adopting this tip once a week for a year, you could save: $78.

A venti-sized Frappuccino measures 24 ounces, same as two tall-sized ones. Despite this, Starbucks’ rules forbid baristas from splitting the drinks for a discounted price. Nevertheless, you can always share it with a friend, allowing considerable savings. Thus, sharing a venti caramel frap with a friend once a week for a year could help you save: $143.

Are you aware of the “short” size at Starbucks, smaller than the tall? This eight-ounces option is not just more affordable but helps keep an eye on the calories too. Plus, any hot drink can be ordered in a short. Furthermore, a short coffee could get you a free refill with a registered Starbucks card. Substituting your tall latte with a short one once a week for a year could save: $24.96.

By selecting iced coffee, you can still relish the flavor of your favorite iced lattes. The iced coffee, brewed extra strong, pairs well with a generous dash of cream, lending a sweet latte-like taste. Also, ordering iced coffee entitles you to a free syrup. Add-ons like caramel sauce, mocha sauce, or white mocha sauce would cost an additional .60. A personal favorite is a venti-sized, upside-down iced caramel macchiato. To replicate it with iced coffee, simply request a venti with cream or milk, vanilla and caramel drizzle. Making this swap once a week for a year could save: $57.20.

It’s noteworthy that prices may differ based on the location and the size of the drink, but employing these Starbucks savings strategies will undeniably render significant financial benefits. This holds particularly true if you daily indulge in your Starbucks favorites.