Advantages and Disadvantages of Customer Service Jobs from Home – MaybeMoney

Advantages and Disadvantages of Customer Service Jobs from Home

Advantages and Disadvantages of Customer Service Jobs from Home

Looking forward to earning your living while enjoying the comfort of your home? If yes, home-based customer service jobs could be your ideal pick. Such jobs have garnered immense popularity due to their simplicity and ease. However, if you’re a novice to the concept of home-based work or you lack experience in customer service, you might wonder whether this is the right choice for you. Let’s dive into the basics of the job and its pros and cons in more detail.

But, first of all, let’s understand what kind of home-based customer service jobs are available. As the name suggests, such jobs typically involve enhancing customer experience by answering queries, resolving issues, suggesting suitable products and services, and so forth. The similarity to traditional customer service jobs ends just there. To carry out such jobs, the only things you need are good communication skills, problem-solving skills and the ability to remember a few scripts with common customer requests. Surprisingly, many customer service representatives work remotely via phone or online chat services.

Luckily, there is an abundant supply of home-based customer service jobs. Employers like American Express, Amazon, Apple, Groupon, and many others are always on the look-out for people like you. As a member of these teams, you might be paid an hourly wage depending on the company’s standards and your individual experience. It usually ranges from $9 to $18 per hour. According to Glassdoor, the mean hourly payment for customer service representatives lies between $12 and $14. Additionally, some companies like American Express compensate customer service representatives with a salary of $16 per hour plus bonuses.

Of course, like any other job, home-based customer service jobs come with their pros and cons. On the brighter side, such jobs offer a flexible schedule and pay more than minimum wage. Some companies may also provide employment benefits and avoid daily commuting. However, the downside includes working at odd hours, dealing with rude customers, and seasonal variability. Moreover, some job opportunities may not represent the exact nature of the job.

So, is a home-based customer service job the right choice for you? It depends on a lot of factors. Although these jobs offer flexibility, decent compensation, and ease, you should take into consideration your daily responsibilities, benefits, schedule, and whether the pay meets your needs.

Would you ever consider working from home? And does a customer service job appeal to you?