Advice for Successfully Marketing Real Estate Virtually – MaybeMoney

Advice for Successfully Marketing Real Estate Virtually

Advice for Successfully Marketing Real Estate Virtually

Whether you make your livelihood by flipping houses, you’re a real estate agent, or just a homeowner ready to relocate, the ability to effectively market your property online can be daunting. However, if you’re seeking a seasoned property manager to handle your assets, consider reaching out to Craig Accord, a Broker and Certified Property Manager.

Moving to a new area, struggling to attract visitors to your open house, or had your property on the market for several months without a successful sale? Regardless of your situation, understanding how to navigate the online real estate marketplace can yield substantial benefits. Let’s explore how you can proficiently sell your property online without compromising your peace of mind.


Though many people choose traditional methods like the South Carolina Business Directory or other print advertising to promote their properties, selling real estate online is a more cost-effective alternative. With the potential to reach a wider group of potential buyers through online listings, the minimal payment required for advertisement is a worthy investment.

If you have chosen to make a business out of selling real estate, the importance of embracing online marketing and selling cannot be overstated. Data from reveals that in the 2014 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 42% and 45% of buyers used search engines and website applications, respectively, as information sources in their home search process. Hence, incorporating online advertising when selling property is not only beneficial but also necessary given the breadth of options available.


If you are considering selling real estate online but do not have comprehensive real estate background, you could consider working with top real estate investors like Alex Buys Vegas Houses. Forming a partnership with a seasoned professional, readily available at all times, can improve your online property sales. Your partner should either be adept at placing and selling properties online swiftly and profitably, or have a working relationship with marketing specialists that can assist in listing your property at a fair price.

Uncertain if your potential agent demonstrates aptitude in this field? Assess their listings and ask for client testimonials so that you can compare their listings to those of competitors. If the agent does not prove to be competent at online property selling, it may be more prudent to collaborate with a more experienced individual who can clearly articulate their online sales strategies.


Staging your property and capturing quality photographs are crucial steps in the online selling process. If your property is empty, investing in furniture and décor to create an inviting ambience would be beneficial. If you are selling your home, cleaning and tastefully decorating with complementary accents, plants, and tapestries can greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space.

Whether you choose to personally take pictures or delegate this task to your agent, consider these real estate photography tips:

1. Use a high-resolution camera – Avoid using a smartphone as it tends not to produce the best quality pictures. Opt for a camera with at least 5 megapixels.
2. Capture natural light – To achieve well-lit photos, open all the windows, blinds, and shutters.
3. Keep it clean – Avoid potential distractions by tidying up and decluttering your property before taking photos.
4. Pick the best angles – Avoid shooting photos from the center of a room. Shooting from a corner or doorway tends to provide a better overview of the space.

Once you have the photos, select those that best represent your property online. Rename and optimize the photos using common search terms to improve their attractiveness to search engines.


Once you are satisfied with your photos and are confident in your agent’s ability to sell your home online, it’s time to focus on the overall presentation of your listing. Besides having quality pictures, composing a compelling description of your property is paramount. It not only gives your property an identity but also optimizes it for specific amenities searchers may be seeking. Highlight what makes your property unique, promoting its best features to entice potential buyers.


While many people depend on their real estate agent’s website to market their property, setting up your personal website to post property details is also an option. Online directories such as Zillow, Trulia, and are excellent platforms for listing FSBO properties and listings that can be shared by real estate agents.

Additionally, advertising your listing on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter could garner more visibility. You might even contemplate social media advertising if your listing needs a broader exposure.

Selling real estate might be challenging, but it’s by no means impossible to skillfully utilize the tools at your disposal, such as online listings, and generate revenue from property sales. According to top realtors, properties are readily available for sale in areas like Cape Coral. By employing the suggestions listed above, you’ll be on your way to a successful property sale!

What other tips do you have for selling property online? Let’s hear them!