Affordable Halloween Outfits for Children – MaybeMoney

Affordable Halloween Outfits for Children

Affordable Halloween Outfits for Children

Halloween is approaching rapidly in just over two weeks, signifying the urgency for costume preparation. You might think your only option is to splurge at a costly costume store, but that’s far from the truth. Before taking your children to a potentially scary Halloween store and denting your wallet significantly, try these suggestions.


Most of us can recall our teen years when we had last-minute costume parties, scavenging around our homes collaborating with our friends to create fantastic costumes without spending a dime. Similarly, take a look around your home. What costuming potential do the items at your disposal hold?

For example, earlier today, I came across an ingenious cupcake costume made from an old lampshade on Pinterest. An old party dress can be revamped into a princess or fairy costume. A pair of overalls and a red tee could easily transform into a Mario costume. All it calls for is a bit of creativity.


Online searches for homemade Halloween costumes are bound to uncover a multitude of exciting ideas. However, be mindful not to get carried away with complicated and potentially expensive DIY projects. It would counterproductive to shell out $40-$60 on craft supplies for a costume when your aim is to save.

An example of a simple DIY costume is my daughter’s outfit from last year – she wanted to be Audrey Hepburn, and all it took was a black dance leotard found at a thrift store, faux pearls, an inexpensive pair of sunglasses that we already had, and some tulle and ribbon to create the tutu.


Sometimes when your child wants to dress as a specific character or animal, simply purchasing core accessories like ears or a tail can do the trick. For instance, a cat costume can be put together easily with a cheap pair of cat ears and a matching tail, coupled with regular clothes or a leotard. The same can be applied to trying to create a Minnie or Mickey Mouse costume.

Characters normally have one key feature. For instance, Rapunzel is distinguished by her long hair, which can be simulated using yarn and paired with any fancy dress.


Did you know your local thrift stores have an abundance of costumes in stock? You can typically find them priced between $5-$10. It’s pricier for a used goods store but remains more affordable than an actual Halloween store.

On my recent visit in search of faerie wings, I discovered several princess dresses, Spiderman costumes, and other options. It’s definitely worth exploring your thrift store for costumes, or even costume additions.

Don’t forget that Halloween is a one-day event with the sole purpose of having fun. If you’re struggling to find the ideal crown or dress color, don’t fret. The happiness of your child is what genuinely matters.

What budget-friendly tips do you have for creating Halloween costumes? Do you have any DIY costumes for your kids that you’re particularly proud of? Let us know!