Amazon Expands Workforce with Influx of 6,000 New Full-Time Employees! – MaybeMoney

Amazon Expands Workforce with Influx of 6,000 New Full-Time Employees!

Amazon Expands Workforce with Influx of 6,000 New Full-Time Employees!

While some retailers are experiencing a slowdown due to the economic climate, Amazon’s sales seemed largely undeterred throughout the first quarter of 2015. The online marketing behemoth is planning to recruit 6,000 full-time employees to boost its workforce across over 50 distribution centers in the United States.

The new recruits will specialize in picking, packing, and shipping items to meet customer orders. Amazon currently employs around 50,000 full-time workers at these centers.

The opening of more distribution centers nationwide is part of Amazon’s strategy to accelerate delivery times. Its yearly Prime membership, priced at $99, offers additional perks such as free two-day delivery on selected items.

For more information, visit CBS Money Watch.