Amazon’s Homemade to Rival Etsy – MaybeMoney

Amazon’s Homemade to Rival Etsy

Amazon's Homemade to Rival Etsy

Amazon is set to storm the craft market with the launch of its new website, Handmade at Amazon, a direct rival to craft sales platform, Etsy. The release is perfectly timed for the Christmas shopping period, offering customers a fresh avenue for sourcing unique, handmade gifts for their loved ones. Evidently, this development represents a challenge to Etsy’s dominance in the craft-selling industry. However, initially, the two platforms will distinguish themselves through differing seller bases, fee systems, and manufacturing policies.

Back in May, Amazon began extending invitations to join their Handmade platform, therefore providing access to Amazon’s colossal customer base of 285 million shoppers. This Seattle-based giant attributes the birth of this new site, ranging from $30 Australian walnut cufflinks to $325 handmade quilts from Wisconsin, to customer feedback and search demand for artisanal items.

To get more insights, refer CBS Money Watch.
(Photograph credit: Bluemorphos,