Americans Favor Retail Therapy Over Socializing – MaybeMoney

Americans Favor Retail Therapy Over Socializing

Americans Favor Retail Therapy Over Socializing

The typical American devotes 42 minutes a day to shopping, while only sparing 35 minutes for social interactions. This insight comes from the annual “American Time Use Survey” conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The study is built around the yearly average data of how individuals over 15 years old utilize their time.

On a brighter note, socialization tends to increase during weekends and holidays. Despite shopping times inflating to 50 minutes a day on these days, social interactions rise to 62 minutes a day.

In comparison, the time committed to sports, exercising, and volunteering is significantly lower. The typical American engages in sports and other recreational activities for just 18 minutes a day. Volunteering is even less popular, with only 9 minutes set aside each day.

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