An Innovative Approach to Earning Income – MaybeMoney

An Innovative Approach to Earning Income

An Innovative Approach to Earning Income

Are you searching for a solution to earn some extra cash? Qmee might be your answer!

Qmee is a browser extension that presents you with monetary rewards for regular online searches. We all use search engines every day, right?

The app runs silently in the background once installed, which is a matter of a few seconds. It pops up with your typical avenues of search, like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, or even while you shop on Amazon and eBay. Qmee results on a sidebar allow you to continue your navigation without obstruction. It truly works in sync with your online activities. Isn’t that impressive?

For instance, Qmee results show up on Amazon with rewards that you can earn with a simple click, provided you find these results relevant to your search. While the rewards vary from as low as 5 cents to as high as 30 cents depending on your online activity, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Qmee’s aim is to recognize the indirect value you offer to marketers by navigating and shopping online. It’s essentially sharing the revenue they earn from advertising.

Qmee results do not always appear, nor do they hog your entire screen. They materialize as a discreet sidebar only when Qmee identifies something you’d likely find useful. They also provide an image of the proposed suggestion to aid your decision.

You always have the choice whether to interact with your primary Google/Amazon results, sideline the Qmee results, or close them completely with one click.

If a Qmee result catches your eye, click on it and the attached reward is instantly added to your personal piggybank. What’s unique about this is that these aren’t mere points for future vouchers or gifts but actual cash rewards available on-hand.

Your earnings are immediately redeemable via PayPal or can be donated to charity. There’s no minimum payout, so even a nickel in your account can be claimed!

All this without altering your search habits; just earning rewards by clicking on Qmee results if you choose to. Plus, you might discover alternative search results that could end up saving you money!

You can check out this video for more information: