Are Meal Delivery Subscriptions Valuable or a Waste of Money? – MaybeMoney

Are Meal Delivery Subscriptions Valuable or a Waste of Money?

Are Meal Delivery Subscriptions Valuable or a Waste of Money?

Have you ever pondered about subscribing to a meal delivery service such as Blue Apron, Plated, or Hello Fresh? Are you unsure if it’s genuinely worth it or apprehensive that it might not be a good deal? Let’s drill into the benefits and drawbacks of subscribing to a meal delivery service so you can make an informed decision that best suits your family’s needs.

The greatest drawback of a meal delivery subscription is undoubtedly the cost. For instance, we tested out Blue Apron’s four-person meal service twice a week, which amounted to $80 a week or $40 each meal, roughly equates to $10 per individual. That’s rather pricey! We could dine out, grab fast food, or even concoct more affordable meals for that cost. That said, you can save $30 off your initial order with Blue Apron by using this link, for those eager to give it a go.

While a meal subscription service might not save you money, it definitely saves you time, particularly regarding meal planning. As a working parent juggling numerous household duties, I appreciate the convenience of having someone else make dinner plans. Despite being a skilled cook, my husband is not so proficient at planning. This often results in us being uncertain about what to prepare for dinner come 6 p.m. Fortunately, a meal delivery subscription takes care of the dinner planning, leaving us with just the basics to procure at the grocery store.

Meals from these services can take a significant amount of time to prepare, ranging from 45 minutes to an hour. It’s manageable with teamwork, but I can’t visualize cooking over an hour more than twice a week.

With just one exception, every meal we’ve tried so far has been spectacular. It’s like fine dining but healthier.

On the other hand, the portions are quite minuscule. Despite subscribing for the four-person meals, one delivery barely stretches to feed my husband, me and our baby, and often leaves little leftover for my lunch the next day. The portions are unlikely to feed a family of four unless the children are very young, which essentially increases the cost per meal.

Every meal is unique, broadening our culinary skills with every cooked dish.

Meal delivery subscription services offer advantages but also come at a high price. We use the service two to three times a month but cannot consider it as a long-term arrangement due to the high costs. I recommend giving it a try if you’re seeking to save on time. If you’re budget-conscious, it may be wise to seek out other alternatives.

Have you thought about trying a meal subscription service? Share your thoughts and experiences!