Avoid Being Harsh, Embrace Being Eco-Friendly – MaybeMoney

Avoid Being Harsh, Embrace Being Eco-Friendly

Avoid Being Harsh, Embrace Being Eco-Friendly

The concept of “Going Green” is gaining momentum in our society. This doesn’t mean simply donning green attire or adorning our homes with green paint. It’s a call to gradually shift our lifestyle practices to preserve the environment. There are several factors that need our attention:

– The use of petrol, diesel, coal, and gas to generate electricity and feed other power requirements leads to emission of gases that trap heat, causing global warming.
– Deforestation, particularly of the rainforests at the alarming rate of 100 acres per minute, is accountable for 20-25% of the total carbon emissions.
– Around 20 species of flora and fauna disappear from existence every week.
– Domestic water usage sees about 30% of water flushed away.
– Close to a million aquatic beings lose their lives annually due to discarded plastic waste.
– Working on a laptop consumes five times less electricity than a desktop.
– Pesticides have the potential to cause severe health problems.
– The annual consumption of tissue paper cuts down approximately 60 million trees.
– Stagnant traffic releases eight times more air pollutants than smooth-moving traffic.
– A constantly dripping tap wastes more than 20,000 liters of water yearly.

Is this the legacy that we plan to pass down to future generations? It’s crucial to act responsibly and adopt more environmentally friendly habits that include:

– Turning off the tap while brushing teeth or washing hands can save roughly 11,000 liters of water per person annually.
– Energy-efficient light bulbs last approximately ten times longer than their regular counterparts.
– Keeping a plant on your desk can improve the air quality by removing pollutants and computer radiation.
– Opt for walking, for short distances, rather than using a car or a scooter.
– Advocate for organic farming.
– Reduce the use of plastic bags and bottles.
– Make an effort to recycle paper products and gift wrappers.
– Switch off lights when not in use and avoid leaving devices in standby mode.

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