Beneficial Insight: The Role of a POS System in Benefiting Your Business – MaybeMoney

Beneficial Insight: The Role of a POS System in Benefiting Your Business

Beneficial Insight: The Role of a POS System in Benefiting Your Business

You can find numerous online pieces emphasizing the vital role of point-of-sale (POS) systems in businesses. I won’t merely echo this or give you a multitude of reasons to use one. The advantages of automation speak for themselves. However, if your business is struggling and you can spare a moment, allow me to share a story with you.


During high school, I spent my summers working at my aunt and uncle’s deli. It was a charming, traditional family-run shop which I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of. My main motivation was gaining experience, but earning a bit of spending money without any tax deductions was definitely a perk. The job didn’t fund my college education, but it offered the opportunity to become financially self-reliant to some extent.

While working there, I frequently overheard my aunt expressing her concerns to my uncle about inventory management and suspected employee theft. I also noticed employees taking unusually long smoke breaks, often exceeding 20 minutes! This incompetence upset me, but whenever I would bring this up to my aunt and uncle, they’d promise to investigate. However, I knew they feared legal repercussions or staff shortage and were unlikely to act. Their daily struggle to keep the business alive was apparent, and the stress of it all was affecting them severely.

At that young age, I could still discern that the family deli, once a dream, was turning into a nightmare. The outdated cash register system was no longer viable.


One Saturday, my uncle walked through the deli entrance, holding a large box and beaming ear to ear. A family friend, who owned several hardware stores, lent them a computer equipped with a POS system. The box contained the computer, a receipt printer, and a card terminal.

After a week of familiarizing themselves with their new POS terminal, my aunt and uncle managed to organize their inventory, allocate stock numbers, and streamline their accounting. In contrast to the previous manual system, which required an accountant to sort through countless receipts, generating accurate reports became a breeze.


Thanks to the new POS system, the deli could now produce sales reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The system also highlighted which products were popular and which weren’t. Now my aunt could analyze previous transactions, making it easier to track sales and determine the best-selling products. Every Wednesday, Pastrami was in high demand, and Pancetta was the popular choice on Sundays.

The automatic inventory management system ensured that all items were accounted for. Processing of orders became quicker and more accurate than before. With the introduction of the card terminal, there was no need to seek bank authorization for card payments.

The efficient POS system generated purchase orders whenever a product’s stock dipped below a certain level. I was fascinated by this feature as it could anticipate demand and prevent product shortages. Modern systems, I understand, can take the initiative and place orders automatically whenever required.


Once the new POS system was operational, I noticed that the extended breaks no longer happened. The system had an integrated time clock and employee management system, enabling my aunt to monitor employee productivity and punctuality. The bad eggs in the team could now be easily identified and removed with solid evidence at hand.

My aunt, uncle, and the deli had their fair share of difficulties, from dishonest employees to disappearing inventory. This almost led to the shop’s closure. However, the loaned POS system proved to be their savior. It offered a remedy for theft, improved employee management, better inventory oversight, and overall shop efficiency. This helped them not only to grow as a business but also to thrive as a family. I’m glad I was a part of this journey, even if just for a summer.