Car Sales in the U.S. Show an Increase in May – MaybeMoney

Car Sales in the U.S. Show an Increase in May

Car Sales in the U.S. Show an Increase in May

The latest reports suggest that US car sales for May surprisingly surpassed predictions, thanks to Memorial Day promotions and the robust demand for SUVs. Autodata Corp. reports that sales have experienced a 2 percent increase from the previous May, with over 1.64 million cars and trucks sold, marking the fastest growth pace since July 2005. This comes as a surprise to many analysts who had projected a dip in sales due to decreased patronage from rental car companies and other auto fleets.

May is traditionally a strong sales month each year, often credited to buyers who have just received their tax returns and are gearing up for summer road trips. In the previous year, May saw an impressive 11 percent surge in car sales, reaching just over 1.61 million – the highest monthly total in nearly a decade.

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Image provided by: Ray Forster