CEO Funds College Education for Employees’ Kids – MaybeMoney

CEO Funds College Education for Employees’ Kids

CEO Funds College Education for Employees' Kids

Chieh Huang, the CEO of Boxed – an online platform similar to Costco, has resolved to cover the college education costs of his employees’ children. Boxed’s service incorporates technology, but according to Huang, the company’s existence is owed to its diligent warehouse workers who are responsible for the picking, preparation, and shipping of packages.

Huang expressed his appreciation for the employees by stating, “Our dedicated workforce is the backbone of our company that supports its functioning every single day. I’m essentially worthless without them, and this initiative to assist with their children’s education is my way of rectifying the situation.”

Huang’s announcement a few months earlier caused a stir of emotions among the employees, with tears being shed in the room, even his own.

Further information is available on CNN Money.