Choosing Health Options that Fit your Budget – MaybeMoney

Choosing Health Options that Fit your Budget

Choosing Health Options that Fit your Budget

This article is courtesy of Sarah Greesonbach, a regular contributor to Suburban Finance.

Ever subscribed to a fitness program or gym, only to realize months down the line that it has been a complete waste of money and time, with nothing to show for it? Perhaps you visited the gym a couple of times, then abandoned it altogether. You’re not alone, this experience is common amongst many with gym memberships and fitness clubs. However, it doesn’t have to remain this way. By integrating simple routines into your everyday life, you can sustain a healthy lifestyle without having to pay monthly fees. Here are some suggestions on how to achieve that:

Combine Fun and Health
Do you relish watching TV or do you spend a large chunk of time in front of a computer? Turn these indispensable habits into opportunities for maintaining your health. If television often takes precedence over your exercise routine, agreeing with your partner or roommate to only watch TV while on the treadmill, doing yoga, or sit-ups can help.

If you work remotely, use your Bluetooth during conference calls and do squats around your apartment or walk around your neighborhood while speaking to less formal clients. This could also help you concentrate on the conversation if distractions, such as doodling or surfing the web, are out of reach.

Invest in More Veggies
Vegetables are not only cheaper than snacks like chips and popcorn, but they are also considerably healthier. By spending your grocery money on fresh foods like carrots, celery, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, you will not only reduce your costs but also make healthier choices when you reach inside the refrigerator for a snack.

Having healthy choices at home can make it easier to eat them. Plus, experimenting with new vegetables you’ve never tried before like fresh Brussel sprouts, beets, or jicama, can be a fun adventure. These vegetables don’t have to be bland. Indeed, they can be much tastier than a pack of salty chips!

Switch up your Personal Care Products
The quest for healthiness also involves using natural products containing the fewest chemicals possible. Organic options are abundant, so consider trying the “no-poo” trend and save annually on shampoo and conditioner.

Feeling adventurous? Experiment with natural oils like Jojoba or coconut to replace hair styling products, and discover the hairdos you can create without a hairdryer or curlers.

Cleaning your home also comes into play. The use of cleaning products like baking soda and vinegar can help you to save a substantial amount every year while also eliminating unwanted chemicals from your home. Cleaning with chemicals can, after all, lead to several unwanted side effects.

Are you a fan of big health gestures, or do small changes work better for you? Do let us know your preferred tips.