Chrysler Aims to Cover College Expenses for Employees – MaybeMoney

Chrysler Aims to Cover College Expenses for Employees

Chrysler Aims to Cover College Expenses for Employees

Being employed at a car dealership could hold more perks than you might imagine. Last Monday, Fiat Chrysler declared that it is launching a program to fund the college degree expenses for employees at Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram Truck, and Fiat dealerships. This educational opportunity will extend to approximately 118,000 workers across America. It will provide free of charge associate, bachelor, and master degrees to participating employees.

Here’s the detail of how it will operate: Fiat Chrysler is inviting its 2,400 dealers throughout the country to join the program. These degrees will be offered via Strayer University’s Degrees@Work program. Each dealer needs to pay a one-time fee to register their employees, and this amount remains the same irrespective of the number of employees they register.

Fiat Chrysler has committed to contribute to the program as well, although they did not disclose the exact amount of the fee they or the dealers will pay.

More details on how Chrysler employees will gain a free college education can be found at CNN Money.

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