Creating a Spectacular Bathroom on a Shoestring Budget – MaybeMoney

Creating a Spectacular Bathroom on a Shoestring Budget

Creating a Spectacular Bathroom on a Shoestring Budget

Being budget-conscious can make it challenging, especially when you aim to upgrade your home with stylish and luxury touches. One such area that may pose a difficult task is your bathroom makeover. Like the kitchen, bathroom fixtures and fittings can indeed get costly. Remodeling tasks such as revamping the walls or floors demand a higher budget as compared to other house sections. However, don’t dismay. We’re here to share economical tips on how to revamp your bathroom stylishly. Just click here to know more.

Before you dive into the renovation, you should envision what you seek to accomplish and determine how you plan on achieving it. Here are some steps to guide your bathroom makeover process, after which we’ll delve into tips for an affordable yet posh transformation.

Step 1: Setting a Budget
Begin by determining a budget and ensure you adhere to it. Home renovations can quickly spiral out of control if not handled cautiously. Contemplate your plans, and decide the best way to bring them to fruition. For example, more significant changes, like replacing your bath or shower, will inherently be pricier than minor upgrades or a fresh coat of paint. Once you settle on a figure, you can commence your research.

Step 2: Online Research
Much like any other purchasing decision, thorough research is critical to find the best deals. Online platforms provide a broad market overview and different seller options. Guides on bathroom fixtures like HP showerheads available on various blogs provide a visual representation of your bathroom’s potential look. Websites from companies such as Bella Bathrooms can be beneficial as you can see a variety of products that could elevate your space.

Step 3: Hunt for deals
In your online exploration, always keep an eye out for good deals. Websites offering coupons or vouchers for multiple shops, both virtual and physical, can lead to fantastic bargains. Some websites inform you about deals nearest to your location. Consider buying full bathroom sets from a single company as it might be cheaper, plus the added advantage of matching furnishings.

Step 4: Deep cleaning
Before any new furniture or fixtures come in, give your bathroom a thorough cleaning. A sparkling bathroom often reveals fewer areas needing improvement than initially expected. While some might still opt for a full remodel, some might be satisfied with minor changes.

Step 5: Consult an Interior Designer
An interior designer can significantly aid you in saving costs. In locations like Hartford, CT, good designers can guide you toward affordable sellers and provide a concept of what your new bathroom could achieve. They may even source the required materials for you. Make sure to mention budget as a priority so that they can work around it.
However, if a DIY redesign is what you have in mind, the following helpful tips can guide your process:
Keep it Simple
If budget constraints are present, consider merely accessorizing. It’s incredible how a posh bath mat or an attractive shower curtain can instantly uplift the room. Consider adding ornaments, especially if you have shelves over your sink. Replace the mundane bath items with decorative pieces, making it a place of art and culture.

Add Accessories
There are numerous bathroom accessories that can enhance your space. Consider aromatic candles or potpourri, which will not only beautify but also add a soothing aroma to your bathroom. Decorative elements like toilet brushes or towels, meant more for aesthetics than use, could also lend your bathroom a classy touch.

Choose a Theme
Having a theme could guide your redesign. Be it Hawaiian, futuristic, traditional, all your purchases should revolve around it. Let’s take Hawaii as an example, where furniture would ideally be light, soft wood resembling varnished wooden coverings on the wall. Add ornaments that resonate with the theme, such as pottery dolphins or fish. Any other added furnishings or accessories should sync with the theme.

Make Small Upgrades
Lastly, a limited budget may not always permit the replacement of the bath, shower, toilet, or sinks. But even the simplest of improvements like replacing faucets with modern taps can drastically change your bathroom’s look. Or consider changing the toilet seat – a seashell-patterned or palm wood seat fits in perfectly with the Hawaiian theme suggested earlier.

In conclusion, whatever changes you make, we’re confident you’ll adore your newly revamped bathroom as much as we loved assisting you with the design.