Cut Costs by Keeping an Eye on Your Business’s Electricity Use – MaybeMoney

Cut Costs by Keeping an Eye on Your Business’s Electricity Use

Cut Costs by Keeping an Eye on Your Business's Electricity Use

To cut down your electricity expenses, it’s essential to pinpoint where energy is being misused – after all, you cannot control what you haven’t measured. Here are several straightforward steps any corporation can initiate to detect potential sources of wastage and curtail their energy use to attain economical business electrical bills.

The Carbon Trust suggests adopting an energy evaluation, monitoring, and goal-setting (MM&T) informational system for effective business power management. The system revolves around a cycle comprising:

1. Data acquisition, encompassing factors like weather conditions.
2. Transforming the data into tangible information via analysis.
3. Converting this information into actionable knowledge through communication.
4. Taking steps to eradicate waste and enhance energy efficacy in your business.

Here’s a concise guide to executing MM&T in your business:

Basic Metering
Observing regular readings and comparing them with previous months aids in monitoring consumption levels. It’s crucial to consider that weather conditions influence consumption – chillier months, for instance, will naturally experience a surge in energy usage. Measurement of energy use against output can be beneficial in manufacturing by taking meter readings before and after the production of one product. In office environments, this can be achieved against the number of staff or the amount of floor space. If your business operates during typical hours, taking a reading on late Friday and early Monday could assist in identifying any wastage occurring over the weekend.

Advanced Metering
Many types of advanced meter systems are available, which can simplify the measures mentioned previously. Half-hourly meters record the reading every 30 minutes and can be very handy in examining complex usage patterns. Sub-meters enable you to concentrate on individual regions or processes. Small loads can be measured with plug-in meters positioned between a socket and a device plug, greatly assisting in identifying inefficient devices and equipment.

Smart Metering
It is anticipated that all business and residential buildings will have smart electric and gas meters installed within the next decade. Consumers selecting a gas supplier could easily compare prices online. Smart meters offer real-time comparisons to live readings, providing an immediate snapshot of energy consumption. This can aid businesses in adjusting their consumption to take advantage of off-peak periods. The live reading is automatically transmitted to the suppliers to ensure precision. British Gas Business is currently the leading provider of smart meters, with over 200,000 businesses in the United Kingdom already on board.

Walk-around Surveys
The Carbon Trust can provide assistance in conducting a walk-around survey of your business, helping to identify potential wastage issues and inefficient devices and appliances.

Bear in mind, if technology is an integral part of your business, do not compromise on that. Choose the best company that can deliver services like cloud computing and high-speed network availability without impeding your daily operations.

Find more details in this informative video: